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Student Consumer Information & Disclosure

In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, the Campus Security Act, and the Equity in Athletic Disclosure Act, Trinity Valley Community College is required to provide and disseminate certain information to prospective students, their families, enrolled students, employees, and the community. The links below will help you stay informed about Trinity Valley Community College by providing important consumer information including institutional information, financial aid resources and requirements, graduation and retention rates, and gianful employment.  

Annual notice of availability of Institutional and Financial aid Information

Trinity Valley Community College distributes a written notification to all enrolled students of the availability of institutional and financial aid information.  This notice is sent to each student’s school Cardinal Email account and includes a direct link to the detailed information provided on this webpage including required disclosure items with direct links to furhter details relating to each topic.

Costs of Attendance

Student Privacy, Enrollment Policies, and Campus Resources

Financial Assistance & Aid Recipient Information

Campus & Student Safety

  • Annual Campus Security & Fire Safety Report
    • Law Enforcement Authority
    • Timely Campus Crime & Security Warnings
    • Campus Procedures for Reporting Crimes or Emergencies
    • Crime Log & Statistics
    • Security Awareness & Crime Prevention
    • Access, Maintenance & Security of Campus Facilities
    • Drug & Alcohol Prevention & Abuse Program
    • Penalties Associated with Drug Related Offenses
    • Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and/or Stalking Prevention Programs
    • Registered Sex Offenders
    • Missing Student Notification
    • Victim Notification
    • Emergency Response & Evacuation Notification
    • Fire Log & Statistics
  • Drug Free Workplace Statement (Employee Handbook)

Institutional Information

Institutional Statistics

Complaints & Grievances

Other Institutional Information Resources


Official policies and procedures of Trinity Valley Community College are published in the Catalog and the Board Procedure Manual. Should there be an discrepancies between the website and these documents, the catalog and/or board policy manual shall take precedence. 

Trinity Valley Community College will provide a paper copy of this information upon request. 

Consumer information & its disclosure is provided and maintained by the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar and its employees are available to provide further information regarding the disclosure of consumer information.