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Register for the GED here

English & Spanish language GED testing is available


The GED test is administered on the Athens campus only, and is given most Tues, Wed, and Thurs.  Testing is by appointment only.

Check here for more information about Eligibility Requirements.


General Educational Development (GED) tests are a group of 4 subject tests, which when passed, certify that the taker has American or Canadian high school level academic skills.  The GED test has four parts with the following time limits: 

Language Arts

155 minutes


Social Studies

75 minutes



95 minutes



120 minutes



Upon the successful completion of a single provider's exams, the test taker will be issued a State of Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency.
Please Note:  The 2002 GED Testing Series was replaced in January 2, 2014. Incomplete or insufficient GED scores from the 2002 series are no longer valid.