January 30, 2023 Board Meeting Agenda
The Board of Trustees of Trinity Valley Community College will meet in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 30, 2023, in the board room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building, Athens, Texas. Dinner will be served for the board members in the administration conference room at 6:30 p.m., where no business will be discussed.
The Board of Trustees may take formal action as to any of the items listed below:
1. Open meeting with prayer.
2. Consider public comments
3. Presentation from Ray Dunlap from the Terrell Economic Development Corporation.
4. Consider annual audit report presented by Kevin Cashion, Gollob
Morgan Peddy- Accounting Firm.
5. President’s report.
a. 2023 Spring Semester
b. Next regularly scheduled board meeting February 27th
6. Consider minutes of the November 28, 2022, board meeting.
7. Consider business, financial, and investment reports for October and November 2022.
8. Consider annual investment report.
9. Discuss elevator replacement in General Studies Building.
10. Review and approve investment policy and strategy.
11. Discuss Department of Education Financial Aid Audit Review.
12. Consider and discuss personnel updates.
13. Convene to executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code
551.074 and 551.072 the Texas Open Meetings Act, for the following
a) To deliberate the employment of a potential public employee - President.
b) Real Property
14. Reconvene to open meeting to consider and discuss any action on
personnel and real property matters related to agenda item 13 above.
15. Adjourn.