January 25, 2021 Board Meeting Agenda
The Board of Trustees of Trinity Valley Community College will conduct a teleconference meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 25, 2021. The TVCC board and public will meet by calling 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499 and meeting ID# 978 0034 5740. The public may call in free of charge and will be able to both listen and speak to the board. A recording of the meeting will be posted online and made available to the public.
The Board of Trustees may take formal action as to any of the items listed below:
1. Open meeting with prayer.
2. Consider public comments.
3. Consider annual audit report presented by Kevin Cashion, Gollob Morgan Peddy- Accounting Firm.
4. President’s report.
a. President Updates
b. February Board meeting – February 22nd
5. Consider minutes of the November 17, 2020 and the November 23, 2020 board meetings.
6. Consider business, financial, and investment reports for October and November 2020.
7. Consider annual investment report.
8. Consider and discuss (a) TxDOT purchase of TVCC land on Terrell
Campus by exercise of eminent domain, (b) execution of Possession
and Use Agreement related to same purchase, and (c) giving authority
to the College President to execute the Deed, Possession and Use
Agreement, and any other document necessary to complete this
9. Consider and discuss Board of Trustee for District 9.
10. Consider and discuss Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental
Appropriation (CRRSA).
11. Consider and discuss personnel updates.
12. Adjourn.