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Texas Success Initiative Program (TSI)*.................................................. 2

TSI Exemptions........................................................................................ 3

TSI Partial Exemptions............................................................................. 4

TSI Waivers.............................................................................................. 6

Developmental Policies & Procedures at TVCC...................................... 7

Testing Requirements and Information.................................................... 7

Placement and Completion Requirements.............................................. 7

College Ready Standards....................................................................... 8

Developmental Placement Process...................................................... 12

Developmental Exit Process................................................................. 12

Exception to Developmental Placement............................................... 13

Special Student Classifications............................................................. 13

Non-Degree Seeking Students. ............................................................13

Transfer Students................................................................................. 13

High School Students.......................................................................... 14

Student Advisement............................................................................ 14

Attendance Policy................................................................................ 18

Program Evaluation............................................................................. 18

Graduation Requirement..................................................................... 19


 The goal of the Developmental Education Co-Requisite Studies Program at Trinity Valley Community College (TVCC) is to assist students with the attainment and mastery of basic skills which are needed for college success. This Developmental Education Co-Requisite Plan explains the basic requirements of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) program and provides an overview of the Developmental Education Co-Requisite Studies Program at TVCC.


Texas Success Initiative Program (TSI)*

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) was mandated by Texas law and went into effect in September of 2003. The purpose of TSI is to ensure that all students enrolling in public higher education in Texas possess the academic skills needed to perform effectively in college-level coursework. TSI includes a testing component designed to identify and provide diagnostic information about the reading, writing and mathematics skills of each student.


Students who do not receive the minimum required score on an approved TSI assessment are required to enroll in co-requisite courses or participate in other activities designed to assist the students in overcoming the academic deficiencies identified by that assessment.


The state approved assessment instrument is the TSI Assessment. 


TVCC shall use the TSI Assessment offered by the College Board as the only Board-approved assessment instrument under this title. Any previously employed assessments (ACCUPLACER, Compass, THEA, Asset, Compass ESL, ACCUPLACER ESL) will no longer be used for entering students who initially enroll in any course on or after the institution's first class day in fall 2013 or for any students retesting for TSI purposes.



TSI Exemptions

A student may be exempted from the requirement to take a test approved for TSI purposes and not be required to enroll in developmental coursework and/or interventions in the corresponding area of exemption, as outlined in TAC Title 19, part 1, chapter 4, subchapter C (amended to be effective August 30, 2017, 42 TexReg 4300), if the student meets one of the following circumstances:


For a period of five (5) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs at or above the following:

  • ACT: Composite score of 23 with a minimum score of 19 on both English and math is required for full exemption.
  • *SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016:  Combined critical reading (formerly “verbal”) and mathematics score of 1070 with a minimum score of 500 on both critical reading and mathematics is required for full exemption.
  • *SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016: A minimum score of 480 on the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and mathematics score of 530 is required for full exemption.

* Mixing or combining scores from the SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016 and the SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016 is not allowable

For a period of five (5) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs at or above the following:

  • STAAR end-of-course (EOC):
    • Alg. II – Level 2 (4000) for the mathematics section
    • Eng III – Level 2 (4000) for the reading and writing sections
  • A student who has graduated with an associate or baccalaureate degree from an institution of higher education.
  • A student who transfers to an institution from a private or independent institution of higher education or an accredited out-of-state institution of higher education who has satisfactorily completed college-level coursework as determined by the receiving institution.
  • A student who has previously attended any institution and has been determined to have met readiness standards by that institution. For students meeting non-Algebra intensive readiness standards in mathematics as defined in §4.59 (d)(1)(B) of this title (relating to Determination of Readiness to Perform Entry-Level Freshman Coursework), institutions may choose to require additional preparatory coursework/interventions for Algebra intensive courses, including MATH 1314/1324/1414 (or their local equivalent). It is the institution’s responsibility to ensure that students are clearly informed of the consequences of successful completion of a mathematics pathways model which results in meeting the mathematics college readiness standard only for specific courses.
  • A student who is enrolled in a level-one certificate program with 42 or fewer semester credit hours or the equivalent at a public junior college, a public technical institute, or a public state college. If a student enters an Associate Degree program, the student must test on TSI test.
  • A student who is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment.
  • A student who on or after August 1, 1990 was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.
  • A student who successfully completes a college preparatory course under Texas Education Code §28.014 is exempt for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of high school graduation with respect to the content area of the course. The student must enroll in the student’s first college-level course in the exempted content area in the student’s first year of enrollment in an institution of higher education. Details of this agreement must be documented with a MOU between the high school and TVCC.
  • ESOL Waiver – An institution may grant a temporary waiver from the assessment required under this title for students with demonstrated limited English proficiency in order to provide appropriate ESOL/ESL coursework and interventions.  The waiver must be removed after the student attempts 15 credit hours of developmental ESOL coursework at a public junior college, public technical institute, or public state college; 9 credit hours of developmental ESOL coursework at a general academic teaching institution; or prior to enrolling in entry-level freshman coursework, whichever comes first, at which time the student would be administered the TSI Assessment.  Funding limits as defined in Texas Education Code, §51.340 for developmental education still apply. Developmental Education is not available for high school students.
  •  Any student who has been determined to be exempt in mathematics, reading, and/or writing under subsection (a) or (b) of this section shall not be required to enroll in developmental coursework and/or interventions in the corresponding area of exemption.


TSI Partial Exemptions

Students who meet one of the following testing criteria can be partially exempt from the TSI requirements (Scores may be no more than five years old):

  • ACT Reading & Writing: Composite score of 23 or higher with a score of 19 or higher on the English subtest. Student must take the math section of the TSI.
  • ACT Math: Composite score of 23 or higher with a score of 19 or higher on the math subtest. Student must take the reading and writing sections of the TSI.
  • *SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016:  Combined critical reading (formerly “verbal”) and mathematics score of 1070 with a minimum score of 500 on critical reading exempts students in the Reading and Writing Sections. Students must take the math section of the TSI.
  • *SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016: A minimum score of 480 on the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) is required for exemption in the reading and writing section of the TSI. Students must take the math section of the TSI.
  • *SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016:  Combined critical reading (formerly “verbal”) and mathematics score of 1070 with a minimum score of 500 on mathematics exempts students in the mathematics section. Students must take the reading and writing section of the TSI.
  • *SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016: A minimum score of 530 exempts students in the mathematics section. Students must take the reading and writing section of the TSI.

* Mixing or combining scores from the SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016 and the SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016 is not allowable

Note: The composite score and the subtest scores must be earned on the same test administration.

ACT and SAT partial exemptions are only valid for tests dated April 2004 or later.

Exit Level Exemptions

  • *Exit Level TAKS Reading & Writing: An ELA score of 2200 or higher with a writing sub score of 3 or higher. Student must take the math section of a test approved for TSI purposes.
  • *Exit Level TAKS Math: A math score of 2200 or higher. Student must take the reading and writing sections of a test approved for TSI purposes.

*Exemptions earned with 11th grade Exit TAKS are permanent.

  • STAAR End-of Course (EOC) Reading and Writing:  Minimum of Level 2 on the English III EOC. Student must take the math section of a test approved for TSI purposes.
  • STAAR End-of Course (EOC) Math:  Minimum of Level 2 on Algebra II EOC for mathematics.  Student must take the reading and writing sections of a test approved for TSI purposes.

TSI Waivers

A high school student is eligible to enroll in academic and/or workforce dual credit courses if they are TSI complete OR TSI exempt OR if they meet one of the waivers listed. A high school student is eligible to enroll in technical/workforce education dual credit courses contained in a Level 1 certificate program, or a program leading to a credential of less than a Level 1 certificate, at a public junior college or public technical institute.  The waivers do NOT EXEMPT a student from TSI. Students attain TSI completion status only after passing the TSI OR securing an acceptable TSI exemption as outlined in TAC Title 19, part 1, chapter 4, subchapter C OR  by completing a college level course with a grade of “C” or higher in the respective courses which are outlined in the “Exception to Developmental Placement” section of this document. 


A high school student is also eligible to enroll in dual credit courses that require demonstration of TSI college readiness in reading, writing, and/or mathematics under the following conditions:


Reading and Writing

  • Level 2 final recommended score, as defined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), on the English II State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness End of Course (STAAR EOC); or
  • combined score of 107 on the PSAT/NMSQT with a minimum of 50 on the reading test; or
  • composite score of 23 on the PLAN with a 19 or higher in English or an English score of 435 on the ACT-Aspire.


  • Level 2 final recommended score, as defined by TEA, on the Algebra I STAAR EOC and passing grade in the Algebra II course; or
  • Level 2 final recommended score, as defined by TEA, on the Algebra II STAAR EOC; or
  • combined score of 107 on the PSAT/NMSQT with a minimum of 50 on the mathematics test; or
  • composite score of 23 on the PLAN with a 19 or higher in mathematics or a mathematics score of 431 on the ACT-Aspire.

Developmental Policies & Procedures at TVCC

The Developmental Co-Requisite Studies Program at Trinity Valley Community College complies with the requirements of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)’s HB223. TVCC has defined a Co-Requisite program to include a credited ACGM course that is paired with a three hour content specific support course.  The Co-Requisite courses must be taken concurrently. In order to demonstrate college readiness and become TSI complete, students must successfully complete the concurrent courses with a grade of XXX.


This section of the TVCC Developmental Education Co-Requisite Plan explains the basic policies and procedures of the Developmental Co-Requisite Studies Program at TVCC as they are intended to support THECB outlined in TAC Title 19, part 1, chapter 4, subchapter C Rules §4.55, §4.56, §4.57, §4.58, and §4.59.




Testing Requirements and Information

Rule §4.55 states that, “An institution shall assess . . . the academic skills of each entering non-exempt undergraduate student prior to enrollment of the student. Prior to the administration of an approved instrument, an institution shall provide to the student a pre-assessment activity(ies) that addresses at a minimum the following components in an effective and efficient manner, such as through workshops, orientations, and/or online modules:”

  • Importance of assessment in students’ academic career;
  • Assessment process and components, including practice with feedback of sample test questions in all disciplinary areas;
  • Developmental education options including course-pairing, non-course-based, modular, and other non-conventional interventions;
  • Institutional and/or community student resources (e.g. tutoring, transportation, childcare, financial aid).


TVCC complies with this request by requiring testing of all entering students who do not meet the TSI exemption criteria.  Prior to accessing the TSI test, all TVCC students are required to complete a pre-assessment activity (PAA). The TVCC testing center requires identifying documentation to substantiate the students’ successful completion of a PAA before admitting a student to take the TSI.


Students who are TSI exempt or who have been tested with an approved assessment instrument must provide TVCC with official transcripts or score reports prior to registering for classes. It is recommended that testing be completed at least two weeks prior to registration.


The TVCC Testing Center administers the TSI test. Students should contact a TVCC campus for a list of the various testing dates.

Placement and Completion Requirements

Students who entered a Texas College using THEA, TASP, Compass, ACCUPLACER to satisfy college readiness standards and were designated as “TSI Complete” are still TSI complete.  Any student who took any of the prior tests and did not enroll in college must retest for college readiness using the TSI.

College Ready Standards

Rule §4.57 outlines the college ready standards as follows:

Effective with the TVCC’s first class day of fall 2017, the following minimum passing standards (also known as “cut scores”) for reading, mathematics, and writing on the TSI Assessment shall be used to determine a student’s readiness to enroll in entry-level freshman coursework:

  • Reading 351;
  • Mathematics 350; and;
  • Writing:
    • A placement score of at least 340 and an essay score of at least 4; or
    • A placement score of less than 340 and an ABE Diagnostic level of at least 4 and an essay score of at least 5.

TVCC shall not require higher or lower college readiness standards on any or all portions of the TSI Assessment to determine a student’s readiness to enroll in entry-level freshman coursework.

TSI Assessment results are valid for five (5) years from date of testing.

The following charts outline the developmental courses a student must take based on TSI scores in reading, writing, and math on each of the approved assessment instruments. 

Reading/Writing Placement based on TSI Score


DECO 0301/ENGL 1301

Composition Support

Below a 350 on the Reading TSI

DECO 0301/ENGL 1301

Composition Support

Below a 340 in Writing TSI with an essay score of at least a 4


Below a 340 in the Writing TSI with an ABE score of at least a 4 and an Essay of 5.




TSI Complete


350+  on the Reading TSI


340+ in the Writing TSI with an essay of 4 or above OR 340+ in Writing plus an ABE score of 4 or above and an essay of a 5.


Students must be TSI Complete in reading to enroll in the following courses:


ARTS         1301        Art Appreciation                                                      

ARTS         1303        Art History I

ARTS         1304        Art History II

BIOL         1406        Biology for Science Majors 1

BIOL         1407        Biology for Science Majors II

BIOL         1411        General Botany

BIOL         1413        General Zoology

BIOL         2401        Anatomy & Physiology I

BIOL         2402        Anatomy & Physiology II

BIOL         2404        Anatomy & Physiology

BIOL         2420        Microbiology (non-science majors)

BIOL         2421        Microbiology for Science Majors

CHEM       1405        Introductory Chemistry I

CHEM       1406        Introductory Chemistry I (for allied health)

CHEM       1407        Introductory Chemistry II (for allied health)

CHEM       1411        General Chemistry I

CHEM       1412        General Chemistry II

CHEM       2423        Organic Chemistry I

CHEM       2425        Organic Chemistry II

DRAM       1310        Introduction to Theatre

ECON        2301        Principles of Macroeconomics

ECON        2302        Principles of Microeconomics

MUSI        1307        Music Literature

SPCH        1321        Business & Professional Communications

SPCH        1315        Public Speaking

PHYS        1415        Physical Science I

PHYS        1417        Physical Science II

Students must be TSI complete in reading and writing to enroll in the following courses:

ENGL        1302        English Composition & Literature

ENGL        2322        British Literature I

ENGL        2323        British Literature II

ENGL        2327        American Literature I

ENGL        2328        American Literature II

ENGL        2332        World Literature I

ENGL        2333        World Literature II

Math Placement based on TSI Score

DECO 0314 / MATH 1314

Support for Alg Thinking

Below a 350 on the Mathematics TSI

DECO 0332 / MATH 1332

Support for Math Thinking

Below a 350 on the Mathematics TSI

DECO 0342 / MATH 1342

Support for Statistical Thinking

Below a 350 on the Mathematics TSI

TSI Complete**


350 + on the Mathematics TSI


**Students who complete DECO 0332/Math 1332 or DECO 0342/Math 1432 sequence will be designated as TSI complete, non-Algebraic intensive and will be blocked from enrolling in algebra based courses in the future without completing DECO 0314/Math 1314.

Students must be TSI complete in math to enroll in the following courses:

BIOL         1406        Biology for Science Majors I

BIOL         1407        Biology for Science Majors II

BIOL         1411        General Botany

BIOL         1413        General Zoology

CHEM       1405        Introductory Chemistry I

CHEM       1406        Introductory Chemistry I (for allied health)

CHEM       1407        Introductory Chemistry II (for allied health)

CHEM       1411        General Chemistry I

CHEM       1412        General Chemistry II

CHEM       2423        Organic Chemistry I

CHEM       2425        Organic Chemistry II

MATH       1324        Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences

MATH       1325        Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences II

MATH       1350        Fundamentals of Mathematics I

MATH       1351        Fundamentals of Mathematics II

MATH       2320        Differential Equations

MATH       2312        Pre-Calculus

MATH       2413        Calculus I

MATH       2414        Calculus II

MATH       2415        Calculus III

MATH       2318        Linear Algebra

PHYS         1401        College Physics I

PHYS         1402        College Physics II

PHYS         2425        University Physics I

PHYS         2426        University Physics II

Developmental Co-Requisite Placement Process

Students are placed in developmental co-requisite courses based on initial test scores. Students must then complete the specified developmental co-requisite course along with the credited mathematics or English course.                                                                           


Students must enroll in at least one co-requisite course each enrollment period until TSI requirements are met except for enrollment periods of twelve weeks or less. Successful completion of each developmental course with a grade of A, B, or C allows the student to move to the next course.  Students who earn a D, F, or W will be required to retake the co-requisite courses.


Generally, students who present passing test scores in any skills area during the semester may exit the corresponding course with the grade earned to that point in the semester, may continue the course to completion, or may choose to exit the course with a grade of C. 

Developmental Co-Requisite Exit Process

Students who have completed the Co-Requisite paired support course and credited Math (1314, 1332, or 1342) or English 1301 course[EW1]  with an earned a grade of A, B, or C and will be classified as Texas success initiative (TSI) complete.  However, students who, based upon their degree/pathway, elect to complete the Co-requisite math Pathways track (DECO0342/MATH1342 or DECO0332/MATH1332), are designated as TSI complete, non-Algebraic intensive.  They will be TSI complete in all math courses that are non-algebra based.  If they elect to take an algebra based course in the future, completion of DECO 0314/MATH 1314 will be required.


Students who are not successful the Co-Requisite courses will need to retake the Co-Requisite course the next semester.  In addition to re-enrolling in the Co-Requisite course, the student who is retaking the course will have to participate in mandatory tutoring throughout the semester to ensure success.  If a student is unsuccessful in the Co-Requisite course after a second attempt, the student will meet with a panel including the instructors in the attempted courses, the division chair and an advisor to develop a plan for success that includes a different mode of delivery, change in tutoring, etc.

Exception to Developmental Co-Requisite Placement

Students who have attended a Texas public institution of higher education and are not TSI complete or exempt from success initiative requirements must test on an approved assessment instrument.  If the student fails any portion of the test, remediation will be required in each area of deficiency. However, the student may be exempt from remediation if a grade of C or better has been earned in one of the courses listed below for each area of deficiency:


Writing:  ENGL 1301

Math:      MATH 1314,  1332, 1342

Reading:  ENGL 1301

Special Student Classifications

Three student classifications at TVCC which have special or unique TSI requirements are non-degree seeking students, transfer students, and high school students.

Non-Degree Seeking Students are classified as students who desire to enroll in courses for personal or professional enrichment but who are not seeking a degree or Level Two certificate.  Students in this classification are limited to enrollment in non-blocked courses as well as a limit of six hours per semester. 


Until the fall 2018 semester, twenty-four semester hours are the maximum number of hours a student can earn in developmental coursework. Beginning with the fall 2018 semester, eighteen semester hours are the maximum number of hours a student can earn in developmental coursework.             

Transfer Students are classified as students who transfer from other institutions of higher education.  These students are grouped into two categories as outlined below:

  1. Students who transfer from another state supported institution of higher education in Texas and who have:
    1. Met the testing standards or who have been designated as TSI complete by the sending institution will be classified as having met the TSI requirements and TSI complete. 
    2. NOT met the testing requirements or been designated as TSI complete but have successfully completed developmental coursework may be eligible for placement in the highest level of developmental education in that subject area upon successful completion of the final exam of the lower level of developmental coursework within the first week of the semester.
  2. Students transferring from a private or independent institution of higher education or an accredited out-of-state institution of higher education with a grade of C or better in selected college level courses will be exempt from TSI requirements.  Successful completion of a course in each content area (reading, writing, and math) is required.  Acceptable courses in  each content area are outlined below:

         Writing:  ENGL 1301, 1302

         Math:      MATH 1314, 1332, 1342

         Reading:  ENGL 1301

High School Students who desire to enroll at TVCC in college transfer courses, applied science programs[EW1] [EW2] , and certificates of completion must be tested prior to enrolling unless they have met appropriate exemption or waiver criteria outlined on pages 1-3 of this plan.  High school students who fail to achieve the minimum passing standards on an approved TSI test may not take college courses related to portions of the test not passed

Student Advisement

Students are advised each semester prior to enrolling at TVCC. Each student receives a degree plan which outlines the requirements and sequence of courses for the completion of their chosen pathway. TVCC advisors are clearly informed of the developmental co-requisite studies policies and procedures, and students are encouraged to visit with an advisor when they have questions about their placement in and progress through their developmental courses.


Depending upon the student’s major or degree plan, students who are not college ready in math based upon their TSI scores will be placed in one of two math pathways. The DECO 0314/MATH1314 is intended for students who are pursuing a STEM pathway or an Education pathway; whereas, DECO 0332/MATH 1332 and DECO 0342/MATH1342 are intended for students who are pursuing a Liberal Arts pathway dedicated to a non-STEM pathway.  DECO 0342/MATH 1342 should be used for all health science pathways.  Please refer to the chart below for a specific degree pathway.


TVCC Degree/Pathway

Developmental Co-Requisite Math Pathway

Accounting AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Accounting BAAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Accounting AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Accounting CERT

TSI Not Required

Agriculture AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Air Conditioning/Refrigeration AAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Art AA

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Athletic Training AA

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Automotive Technology CERT

TSI Not Required

Automotive Basic Technology CERT

TSI Not Required

Beef Cattle Manager CERT

TSI Not Required

Biology AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Biomedical Sciences Pre-Professional AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Business AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Chemistry AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Child Development AAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Communication AA

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Computer Science/Networking AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Computer Science/Networking AAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Cosmetology Esthetician CERT

TSI Not Required

Cosmetology Operator CERT

TSI Not Required

Cosmetology Manicure/Nail Technology CERT

TSI Not Required

Cosmetology Student Instructor CERT

TSI Not Required

Criminal Justice AA

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Criminal Justice BAAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Criminal Justice AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Criminal Justice Correctional Science CERT

TSI Not Required

Criminal Justice Law Enforcement CERT

TSI Not Required

Dance AA

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Digital Photography CERT

TSI Not Required

Drama AA

DECO 0342, Math 1342

Drafting & Design Technology BAAS

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Drafting & Design Technology AAS

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Drafting & Design Technology Advanced Drafting CERT

TSI Not Required

Drafting & Design Technology Basic Drafting CERT

TSI Not Required

Early Childhood Development BAAS

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Early Childhood Development AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Early Childhood Education CERT

TSI Not Required

Early Childhood Administrator CERT

TSI Not Required

Early Childhood Bilingual Para Educator CERT

TSI Not Required

Early Childhood Para Educator CERT

TSI Not Required

Electrical Technology

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Emergency Medical Technology BAAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Emergency Medical Technology AAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Emergency Medical Technology CERT

TSI Not Required Initially

English AA

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Fire Science Technology BAAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Fire Protection Technology AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Fire Science Administration CERT

TSI Not Required

Fire Prevention and Investigations CERT

TSI Not Required

General Business BAAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

General Business AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Government/History AA

DECO 0342, MATH 1342


TSI Not Required


TSI Not Required

Kinesiology/Physical Science Education AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Legal Assistant Technology BAAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Legal Assistant Technology AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Legal Assistant Technology CERT

TSI Not Required

Management BAAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Management AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Management CERT

TSI Not Required


DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Mechanical Engineering Technology CAD/CAM-CNC CERT

TSI Not Required

Mechanical Engineering Technology Machining CERT

TSI Not Required

Mechanical Engineering Technology Dual Mechanical Engineering Technology Machining CERT

TSI Not Required

Medical Nursing Assistant CERT

TSI Not Required

Medical Office Management CERT

TSI Not Required

Medical Transcription CERT

TSI Not Required

Music AAM

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Nursing BSN

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Nursing: Associate Degree Nursing ADN AAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Nursing: LVN to AND transition AAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Nursing: Paramedic to AND  transition AAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Nursing: Vocational Nursing VN CERT

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Office Technology BAAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Office Technology AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Office Technology CERT

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Patient Care Technology CERT

TSI Not Required

Pharmacy Technician CERT

DECO 0342, MATH 1342


DECO 0342, MATH 1342


DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Physical Science AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Physics AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314


DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Pre-Law AA

Core Math

Psychology AA

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Ranch Management BAAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Ranch Management AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Ranch Management CERT

TSI Not Required

RN to Paramedic Enhanced Skill CERT

DECO 0342, MATH 1342


DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Small Business Entrepreneurship CERT

TSI Not Required

Sociology AA

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Spanish AA

DECO 0314, MATH 1314


DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Surgical Technology BAAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Surgical Technology AAS

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Surgical Technology CERT

DECO 0342, MATH 1342

Teaching EC through 6th Grade AAT

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Teaching 4th-8th & EC-12th with Special Education AAT

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Teaching 6th-12th & EC-12th without Special Education AAT

DECO 0314, MATH 1314

Welding Technology AAS

DECO 0332, MATH 1332

Welding CERT

TSI Not Required

Welding Dual Arc CERT

TSI Not Required

Welding Pipe CERT

TSI Not Required

Welding TIG CERT

TSI Not Required


Attendance Policy

Attendance requirements in developmental co-requisite courses at TVCC have been established to encourage students to take advantage of the instructional opportunities provided.  Upon accumulating 9 hours of absences in a 3 hour course, 6 hours of absences in a 2 hour course, or 3 hours of absences in a 1 hour course, the student could earn a grade of F for the course, and could not be allowed to attend any further class meetings. Students should read the instructor’s syllabus carefully to ensure understanding of the attendance policy for each instructor.  Students who encounter a “severe” life circumstance must speak with their instructor and provide documentation that confirms the reasons for the absences accrued. The instructor has the option to review the documentation and present it for approval to their immediate supervisor and division chair for college readiness.

Program Evaluation

 The Developmental Co-Requisite Studies Program at TVCC is evaluated regularly through both internal and external processes.  Components of this process include student evaluation of faculty, supervisor evaluation of faculty, program evaluation in the three skill areas, student tracking, and reports from the THECB. 

Graduation Requirement


A student must be Texas Success Initiative Complete to be awarded an Associate Degree or a Level Two Certificate at Trinity Valley Community College. 


TVCC DEVL Course Descriptors/Notes

Course Number

Old Course Name

New Course Name


DECO 0301

INRW 0310 or 0320

Composition Support

Co-enrollment ENGL 1301

DECO 0314

DEVL 0309 and 0310

Support for Algebraic Thinking

Co-enrollment MATH 1314

DECO 0332

DEVL 0316

Support for Mathematics Thinking

Co-enrollment MATH 1332

DECO 0342

DEVL 0316

Support for Statistical Thinking

Co-enrollment MATH 1342