August 24, 2021 Update
Masks/Face Coverings on Campus
1. Face coverings are optional on all TVCC Campus locations.
2. For those attending on-campus classes, wearing a face covering is encouraged but not mandated.
3. Students are strongly encouraged to wear masks when working in close proximity with others, such as in labs or group projects.
Sanitary Precautions
1. Everyone is encouraged to wash his or her hands regularly (for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer).
2. Hand sanitizing stations are available in all buildings.
1. TVCC does not require COVID-19 vaccinations. Any vaccine-related questions should be directed to your primary care physician. TVCC will continue to try and provide opportunities for vaccinations on our campus as they become available.
1. View information on COVID-19 FAQs for housing.
1. Please monitor yourself daily for potential symptoms.
2. Find out more at
3. If you are sick and/or experiencing COVID-related symptoms, please stay home.
4. Students who test positive for COVID-19, or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive must contact their instructor and the office of the Vice President for Student Services at 903-675-6220 or for return-to-campus/class protocols.
5. Employees who test positive for COVID-19, or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive must contact their supervisor and Human Resources for return-to-work protocols at or
Positive COVID-19 Test
If student/staff/faculty tests positive, they must isolate for 10 days and can return after:
1. 10 days since symptoms first appeared (or positive test if no symptoms) and
2. 24 hours with no fever without use of fever-reducing medications and
3. Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving* and
4. A physician’s release or negative COVID-19 test is required for faculty/staff/dorm students to return, but not for commuter students.
*Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation.
Exposure to Someone Who Is COVID-19 Positive
If anyone has been in close contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more in 24 hours with or without masks from 2 days prior to the person getting symptoms or testing positive if no symptoms) then they need to do the following:
1. If fully vaccinated without symptoms - they need to self-monitor and don't need to quarantine but should get a test between days 3 & 5.
2. If fully vaccinated with symptoms - they should quarantine and get tested right away and isolate for 10 days if they test positive.
3. If not fully vaccinated or unvaccinated - they need to quarantine for 10 days. Or they can return on day 7 if they have a negative test taken on day 5 or later. If they develop symptoms, they should get tested and then isolate for 10 days if they test positive. If they must remain in close contact with the person who is positive because they are the caregiver, then the 10/7 days will not start until the end of the person’s 10 days of isolation.
4. If anyone has recovered from COVID-19 illness within the previous 3 months, and remains without COVID-19 symptoms – they need to self-monitor and don’t need to quarantine unless they develop symptoms
Other Information
1. The Delta variant is more easily transmitted. The symptoms tend to be similar to a cold – runny nose, sore throat, headache, and/or fever. Many feel like they have a cold or sinus infection. Please self-monitor and do not come to work with those symptoms.
2. Continue with previous CDC recommendations such as hand-sanitizing, disinfecting surfaces, social distancing, getting vaccinated, and wearing a mask as recommended by CDC, etc.
3. COVID-19 testing can be done at local CVS and Walgreens Pharmacies. Rapid tests can even be purchased over-the-counter from places like Walmart, CVS and Amazon.
TVCC will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation very closely and will adapt policies and procedures as necessary to keep our students, employees and campus safe and healthy.