September 26, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
Trinity Valley Community College
The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in a regularly called session at 7:30 pm on Monday September 26, 2022, in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building with the following members present.
Mr. Ray Raymond Mr. Ron Day Mr. David Monk
Mr. Jerry Stone Mr. Steve Grant Dr. Clayton Gautreaux
Mr. Michael Hembree Dr. Terry Eason Dr. Chalie Risinger
Members not present:
1. Dr. Risinger opened the meeting with prayer.
2. There were no public comments.
3. The following topics were discussed in the president’s report:
• Fall Semester Updates
• Next Board Meeting – October 24th
4. Mr. Grant moved, seconded by Dr. Eason, for the board to approve the
the August 29, 2022, board meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Dr. Gautreaux, for the board to approve
the business, financial, and investment reports for July 2022. Motion
carried unanimously.
6. Dr. Philip Parnell and Dr. Kristin Spizzirri gave an update on the TVCC
Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) program.
7. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Dr. Gautreaux for the board to approve the
presidential profile for the presidential search. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. Day for the board to nominate Greg
Wyatt for the place 5 position for the Henderson County Appraisal District
board of directors. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Legal TASB Update 43 was reviewed.
10. Dr. Eason moved, seconded by Dr. Gautreaux, for the board to approve
the non-participation of employees in the State Employee Contribution
Program CDDA (LOCAL) Policy. Motion carried unanimously.
11. The TVCC Board Self-Evaluation assessment was reviewed. The
assessment will be further discussed at the October board meeting.
12. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Dr. Eason, for the board to approve the
personnel updates as presented. Motion carried unanimously
13. Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Monk, to adjourn the meeting at
8:29 PM. Motion carried unanimously.
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Submitted By Jerry King, President Date
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Approved Board Chair Date
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Approved Board Secretary Date