October 25, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Trinity Valley Community College
The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in a regularly called session at 7:30 pm on Monday October 25, 2021, in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building with the following members present.
Mr. David Monk Dr. Terry Eason Mrs. Paula Kimball
Mr. Jerry Stone Mr. Steve Grant Mr. Ron Day
Mr. Michael Hembree
Members not present: Mr. Ray Raymond and Dr. Charlie Risinger
1. Dr. Eason opened the meeting with prayer.
2. There were no public comments.
3. The following topics were discussed in the president’s report:
• 2021 Fall Enrollment Update
• Terrell Health Science Center parking lot update
• Next Board Meeting – November 22
4. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. Day, for the board to approve the
September 27, 2021, board meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Mr. Hembree moved, seconded by Dr. Eason, for the board to approve the
business, financial, and investment reports for August 2021. Motion carried
6. The Title IX Annual Report was discussed.
7. Mr. Grant moved, seconded by Mr. Monk, for the board to form a committee
with TVCC employees to conduct a feasibility study for the Kaufman
Regional Workforce Center. Mr. Raymond will visit with board members to
decide which board members will serve. The board members will be
selected at the November board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Dr. Eason, for the board to authorize the
contracting with EMA Engineering & Consulting for the Northwest Dorm
design work not to exceed $88,500. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Mrs. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Hembree, for the board to approve
Carr Construction and Frentress Engineering as the vendors to rebuild the
Athens campus bridge reconstruction up to a maximum of $133,000 using
approved 2021-2022 operational budgeted funds. Motion carried
10. The TVCC Board of Trustees Roles and Responsibilities Manual was
discussed. There will be further review and updates before adoption.
11. The Department of Education Program Review was discussed.
12. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Dr. Eason, for the board to approve the
personnel updates as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
13. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Day, for the board to convene to
executive session at 9:11 pm, to discuss a legal matter in accordance
with Govt. Code 551.071.
a. Private consultation with the college’s attorney about pending or
Contemplated litigation, and/or on a matter in which the duty of
the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary
Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly
Conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code.
Motion carried unanimously.
14. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Dr. Eason, for the board to return from
executive session at 9:45 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
15. No action was taken during executive session.
16. Mr. Grant moved, seconded by Mrs. Kimball, to adjourn the meeting at
9:46 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
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Submitted By Jerry King, President Date
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Approved Board Chair Date
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Approved Board Secretary Date