Amberton University

Our Partnership:
In an effort to provide a smooth transfer process for mutual students TVCC and AMBU have joined together to provide the following:
TVCC students who follow the recommended program of study (common core and transfer curriculum) and who meet all other admissions requirements will be eligible for admission to AMBU. By following the curriculum students are guaranteed that the courses listed are freely transferrable between TVCC and AMBU.
In order to be accepted into AMBU a student must meet the following criteria:
1. Transfer classes must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.
2. AMBU is an upper-level college only - junior and senior level course work. Students must be 21 or older to apply.
3. GPA must be a 2.0 or better to apply.
4. 33 hours of credits taken at AMBU is required to graduate from AMBU.
5. AMBU will accept a maximum of 78 credit hours in transfer.
Please see the university catalog to determine which courses will transfer. If you have questions, please contact your guidance counselor.
Reverse Transfer:
Students who leave TVCC before completing their degree may transfer hours earned at the university back in order to earn their Associates Degree.
Transfer Guide:
Amberton University Transfer Admissions
TVCC Contact: