February 24, 2020 Board Minutes
Trinity Valley Community College
The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in a regularly called session at 7:30 pm on Monday, February 24, 2020, in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building, Athens, Texas with the following members present.
Mr. Ray Raymond Mr. David Monk Mr. Homer Norville
Mr. Jerry Stone Mr. Steve Grant Mr. Ron Day
Mr. Kenneth McGee Dr. Charlie Risinger
Members not present: Mrs. Paula Kimball
- Mr. Day opened the meeting with prayer.
2. There were no public comments.
3. The following topics were discussed in the president’s report:
- Dr. King introduced the Student Government Association and recognized them for sweeping the awards at the Texas Junior College SGA Region 3 Spring Meet.
- Dr. Wendy Elmore reported spring 2020 enrollment numbers.
- Brett Daniel provided an ERP update.
- Jay Kinzer reported on residential hall numbers.
- Dr. King provided an update on the Audit Committee. They will meet again on March 11.
- The THECB Perkins Audit is March 5th & 6th.
- The Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Records Service Access & Dissemination Bureau Audit is March 12.
- An Ethel May and Frank Johns Clock Tower Dedication Ceremony will be held on February 28 at 11:00 am with a reception to follow at the Cardinal Fitness Center.
- Next Board Meeting is March 25.
4. Mr. Grant moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, for the board to approve the
January 27, 2020 board meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Day, for the board to approve the
December 2019 business, financial, and investment reports.
Motion carried unanimously.
6. Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Monk, for the board to cancel the
Board of Trustees election in Districts 1 and 2 as no other candidates
applied for the positions. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Dr. Risinger, that the board approve the
soccer team proposal with an annual financial review of the program.
Motion carried unanimously.
8. Mr. Norville moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, that the board approve the FY
2020-21 College Calendar as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
9. The board discussed the TVCC Police Department’s Racial Profiling Report.
10. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. Day, for the board to approve the
agreement with Athens ISD for an election on May 2, 2020 for the District 3 Board of Trustee position – not to exceed $15,000 in cost. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Mr. Day moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, for the board to convene to
executive session at 8:59 pm to discuss land and/or personnel in
accordance with Govt. Code Section 551.072 and 551.074. Motion carried
12. Mr. Grant moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, for the board to return from
executive session at 9:19 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
13. Mr. Grant moved, seconded by Mr. Stone for the board to table the hiring
of the Vice President of Instruction position. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Day, for the board to approve the
personnel updates as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
15. Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Monk to adjourn the meeting at
9:22 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
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Submitted By Date
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Approved By Date