Immunization Requirements
The following immunizations are required by law according to Section 2.09 of the Texas Education Code Revised May 25, 2010 for all students enrolled in higher education courses involved in direct patient care contact.
Students planning to take the following courses: C.N.A. Fast Track, Phlebotomy Fast Track, and Medication Aide. MUST have all documentation of the required immunizations on file with the TVCC Adult & Continuing Education office prior to enrolling. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the student not being permitted register in the class.
1. TETANUS/DIPHTHERIA (Immunization) Students must have proof of tetanus/diphtheria immunization within last 10 years.
2. RUBELLA (Immunization or blood test) All students must have proof of one dose of rubella vaccine administered on or after their 1st birthday or serologic confirmation of rubella immunity or serologic evidence of infection.
3. MEASLES (Immunization or blood test) All students born after January 1, 1957 must have proof of two doses of measles vaccines administered on or after their 1st birthday at least 30 days apart OR proof of immunity to measles (serologic confirmation). At least one dose must be completed prior to patient contact. Measles is also known as rubella.
4. MUMPS (Immunization or blood test) All students born after January 1, 1957 must have proof of one dose of mumps vaccine administered on or after their 1st birthday OR proof of mumps immunity (serologic confirmation).
5. VARICELLA (Immunization or blood test) All students must have two doses of varicella vaccine or serologic confirmation of varicella immunity.Having a history of chicken pox is not sufficient.
6. HEPATITIS B (Immunization or blood test) Effective February 15, 2007, all students in TVCC Adult & Continuing Education classes that involve direct patient contact or clinicals, will be required to have all three doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine or serologic confirmation (blood test) of immunity. (Students needing all three Hep B vaccines may wish to consult their healthcare provider about the TWINRIX a fast track series of this immunization.)
7. Current TB Test or QuantiFERON. No older than one year prior to class start date.
8. Current Flu Shot. Flu shots are required each Fall or before student may attend clinicals or perform invasive procedures. Students entering classes in the Spring or Summer will need to have a flu shot that is no older than the Fall semester. Students returning in the Fall semester will need to have a current flu shot prior to attending clinicals.
Note: A MMR immunization includes two measles, one mumps, and one rubella vaccination.
PREGNANCY - Requirements for measles, rubella and mumps vaccines are waived during pregnancy. Pregnancy is not a medical contraindication for administration of Tetanus/diphtheria toxoids, but it is best to delay until the second trimester. Female students who get the MMR vaccine must take precautions not to get pregnant within the three months following the vaccination.
Copies of records from physician’s offices, public health department, public schools, other colleges and the military are acceptable. Students should provide the college with a copy of the records. Please do not turn in the originals. RECORDS MUST BE COMPLETE PRIOR TO STUDENT ENROLLMENT.
Note: Students may call the Department of State Health Services Immunization Branch Hotline for assistance on any immunization-related issue, including the interpretation of immunization records. The phone number is (800)252-9152.
Pregnancy in of it self is does not exclude you from the flu shot requirement. For more information visit
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