Adult and Continuing Education Course Policies Skip to main content

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Policy & Procedure

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Adult and Continuing Education Course Policies

Withdrawals, Refunds, Grading & Other Policies


Refunds for credit classes will follow the policy as stated in the College Catalog. Full tuition refunds for Continuing & Workforce Education classes are available for students who notify the Continuing & Workforce Education Office by 12 noon the business day before the class begins. Means of notification include: phone or voice mail (903-675-6212); in writing by e-mail ( or fax (903-675-6388); or in person at a TVCC Campus. (There may be some courses for which refunds cannot be made.) No refund is available after the class begins. Refunds will take several days to process.

Students are expected to attend all classes, labs;and clinicals required of a course.  To pass the class and receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs), students must attend at least 80% of the course instruction.  Students that stop attending class and have not completed enough class time to qualify for a passing grade will receive an "F". 

Instructors will assign a numerical grade*(except as noted below) on the grade sheet for all Continuing Education classes as follows: 

  • P=Pass
  • F=Fail
  • NC=Non-Complete (student dropped or withdrew)       

Students should notify the Continuing & Workforce Education Department, in writing by letter, e-mail (conted@tvcc.ed) or fax (903-675-6388) of intent to withdraw from a class that has already begun.  The instructor has the right to assign a grade based on the performance of the student.  Attendance and class participation may be taken into consideration when grades are assigned.

The Continuing & Workforce Education Department works closely with the credit programs to offer concurrent enrollment (audit) in some credit classes through the Learning for Living Academy. This is sometimes referred to as "mirrored classes". Space may be limited for concurrent participants.

Participants in concurrent courses are expected to attend class regularly, complete assignments, and participate in class. Learning for Living Academy class hours can sometimes be converted to credit hours. Students should check with the Continuing & Workforce Education office to determine if a course can be converted. 

In the event TVCC cancels a class before its intended start date, a full tuition refund is available. Students are encouraged to call to confirm their class has made prior to coming to the first class session. A representative from the Continuing & Workforce Education will contact you if a class has been cancelled.

It is the policy of TVCC's Continuing & Workforce Education Department that ethical and legal consideration in training must be observed at all times by all students. This includes providing all information to meet course prerequisites and enrollment criteria, all classroom work, all assignments, all skills and laboratory work, testing and clinical or practicum work. Any student involved in lying, cheating, plagiarism, violation of TVCC's Policy of Rights, Conduct and Responsibilities.

Scholastic dishonesty of any type jeopardizes the student's successful completion of the course. Violations of the honesty policy may result in dismissal from the course. Students accused of dishonesty will be afforded due process. The student's right of appeal is through the Dean of Continuing & Workforce Education.

Students dismissed from a class for violation of this policy may not be allowed to enter or reenter that class or enter another class in the Continuing & Workforce Education Department.


Posted Date:
6/14/2023 11:43:38 AM