Board of Trustees Minutes -- 1/26/15 Skip to main content



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Board of Trustees Minutes -- 1/26/15

Trinity Valley Community College
The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 26, 2015 in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building in Athens, with the following members present:
Mr. Ray Raymond                Mr. Kenneth McGee            Mr. Homer Norville
Mr. David Monk                    Mr. Jerry Stone                     Mr. Steve Grant
Mr. Ron Day                          Dr. Charlie Risinger
1. Mr. Day opened the meeting with prayer.
2.   There were no public comments.

3.   Jayson Larson presented the public information report and discussed spring registration advertising, the military cords distributed at graduation and in-service, alumni returning for a reunion, basketball season, and media interaction.  Mr. Larson advised the Board he was leaving the college to run a ministry in Vidor, Texas.
3. The following topics were discussed or reviewed in the President’s report:
     President Forgey updated the Board on Spring enrollment.
     President Forgey discussed the state revenue estimate and legislation.
     President Forgey advised the Board of the TACC Legislative Conference February 2nd and Community College Day – February 3rd at the State Capitol.
     President Forgey stated that the TVCC Rodeo would be held February 6th and 7th.
                              President Forgey reminded the Board that the next regularly scheduled Board meeting would be February 23, 2015.
                          4. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Norville, the minutes to the November 24, 2014 Board meeting be approved.  Motion carried unanimously.
                          5. Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Day the Board approve the business, financial and investment reports for November and December 2014.  Motion carried unanimously.
                          6. Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Grant the Board contract with Smith, Lambright and Associates to perform the college 2014-15 audit. Motion carried unanimously.
                          7. Mr.  Norville moved, seconded by Mr. McGee the Board approve the addition of the Associates of Applied Sciences degree in Computer Information Technology.  Motion carried unanimously.   
                          8. President Forgey discussed facility issues and an analysis reflecting the cost savings of some college initiatives. 
                          9. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. Day, the Board approve the TASB policy updates. Motion carried unanimously.
                   10.    Mr. Norville moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board go into closed session at 8:06 p.m. in accordance with Government Code 551.072 and 551.074 to consider personnel and land matters.  Motion carried unanimously.
        11.   Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Day, the Board return from closed door session at 9:12 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.
                   12.    Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Monk, the Board approve the following personnel actions:
                                     a. Retirements/Resignations/Reductions in Force
                                         (1) Ricky Johnson, Business Computer Information Technology
                                                Instructor, TDCJ
                                         (2) Shawna Tucker, Institutional Research Associate
                                    b. New Hires:
                                         (1) Darrell Russell, Building Services Technician
                                         (2) Ronald Willingham, Building Services Technician
                                         (3) Paula Lein, Assistant Director of Bookstore Services
                                         (4) Richard DeFreece, Microcomputer/LAN Analyst
                                         (5) Lori Gorden, Campus Police Dispatcher
                                    c.   Reclassifications
                                         (1) Misti Hardison, Tutor Coordinator to Financial Aid
                                                Associate I, Palestine
                                         (2) Maricela Chavez, Surgical Technology Instructor to
                                                Coordinator/Instructor Surgical Technology Program
                                         (3) Jo Ann Johnson, Administrative Assistant to Dean of
                                                Continuing Ed & Workforce Ed. to Accounting
                                                Specialist, Accounts Payable
                                         (4) Lianna Reid, Executive Assistant to Associate VP of
                                                Academic Affairs to Accounting Specialist, Accounts
                                         (5) Courtney Walker, Senior Accountant to Director of
                                                Accounting Services & Controller
                                         (6) Beth Ann Kidd, Assistant Bookstore Manager to Director
                                                of Bookstore Services
                                         (7) Karla Bryan, LRC Reference Librarian to Director of
                                                Learning Resources
                                    d.   Other personnel issues
                                         (1) Information Technology Department reorganization
                                                Motion carried unanimously.
 13.      Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Norville, to adjourn the meeting at 9:14 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Posted Date:
9/28/2022 11:34:40 AM