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PTK Shines at International Convention

Trinity Valley Community College’s Iota Alpha chapter of Phi Theta Kappa won three major awards at the PTK International Convention, held April 6-8 in Nashville. Representing the chapter’s year-long work, the awards were:
Continued Excellence Award, awarded to chapters (out of 1300 chapters worldwide) who have earned Distinguished Chapter designation for three years in a row.
Distinguished Theme Award – Honors in Action, recognizing chapters whose Honors in Action Project Award entries scored highest in each of the eight themes related to the 2016-2017 Honors Study Topic, “How the World Works: Global Perspectives.”
Distinguished Honors in Action Project Awards, recognizing the top chapters whose Honors in Action Project entries demonstrated excellence in academic research into the Honors Study Topic, leadership roles and leadership development activities, service learning and collaboration.
Iota Alpha Advisor, Nancy Long, was also recognized with a stole of appreciation for being the longest serving advisor present. She is presently serving in her 44th year as a Phi Theta Kappa Advisor, with 32 of those years have been as an advisor at TVCC. She is a Certified Leadership Development Instructor, won the Mosal Leadership Award, won two Distinguished Advisor Awards, three Continued Excellence for Advisors Awards and numerous Texas Phi Theta Kappa awards. She also serves as the Texas Region District III Coordinator.
Earlier this Spring, Iota Alpha attended the Texas Regional Convention in Austin and won a Continued Excellence Award, a Distinguished Theme Award – Honors in Action and a Five Star Chapter Award. Iota Alpha President Scott Keon was named to the Texas Hall of Honor for Officers, and he and Chalisa Madsen won medallions for entries in the rigorous All Texas Academic Team competition.
Posted Date:
4/12/2017 10:31:06 AM
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