Board of Trustees meeting minutes for July 28, 2014
The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 28, 2014 in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building in Athens, with the following members present:
Mr. Ray Raymond Mr. Kenneth McGee Mr. Homer Norville
Mr. David Monk Mr. Ron Day Mr. Jerry stone
Dr. Charlie Risinger Mrs. Paula Kimball
1. Mr. Stone opened the meeting with prayer.
2. There were no public comments.
3. TVCC Public Information Officer, Jayson Larson, updated the Board on various stories including: Fall registration marketing, freshman orientation, the announcement of Gerald Ewing as the new head women’s basketball coach, former women’s basketball coach Kurt Budke being inducted into the women’s basketball hall of fame, the upcoming Valley magazine, and the social media efforts of the college .
4. The following topics were discussed or reviewed in the President’s report:
President Forgey advised the Board that summer II enrollment was up slightly from last year.
President Forgey updated the Board on the summer TACC meeting.
President Forgey shared that summer graduation would be on August 15th at 6:30. 219 are scheduled to graduate compared to 214 last summer.
President Forgey reminded the Board that the next regularly scheduled Board meeting would be August 25, 2014.
5. Mr. Norville moved, seconded by Mr. Monk, the minutes to the June 23, 2014 Board meeting be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Mr. Day moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board approve the business, financial and investment reports for June 2014. Motion carried unanimously. The Board requested President Forgey provide a recommendation on dedicating reserves to the capital fund.
7. Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Norville, the Board approve the schedule for the FY14-15 Budget workshop and tax rate hearings.
8. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mrs. Kimball, the Board approve the FY14-15 college catalog. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. Day, the Board approve the purchase of a new 2014 Ford Expedition EL for $33,000 and a new 2015 Ford Transit Connect from Brinson Ford Lincoln for $21,735. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Norville, the Board approve a 60 month copier lease contract for the Print Shop with Xerox at the rate of $1,742.48 per month. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Mr. Norville moved, seconded by Mrs. Kimball, the Board attend the ACCT Conference in Chicago. Motion carried unanimously.
12. Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Monk, the Board go into closed session at 7:57 p.m. to discuss land and/or personnel in accordance with Govt. Codes 551.072 and 551.074. Motion carried unanimously.
13. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mrs. Kimball, the Board return from closed session at 8:54 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mrs. Kimball, the Board approve the following personnel actions:
a. Retirements/Resignations:
(1) Christina Merrida, Coaching Assistant, Softball
b. New Hires:
(1) Sylvia Clay, P/T Enrollment Coordinator, TDCJ
(2) Daniel (Cade) Allen, History Professor
(3) Timothy Samples, Marching Band Director
(4) Tracy Irby, SBDC Counselor
(5) Amanda Weaver, Reading, Writing/Dev. Studies Professor
15. Mr. Day moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.