Board of trustees agenda for July 28, 2014 meeting Skip to main content



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Board of trustees agenda for July 28, 2014 meeting

The Board of Trustees of Trinity Valley Community College will meet in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 28, 2014, in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building, Athens, Texas.  Dinner will be served for the Board Members in the Administration Building Conference Room at 6:30 p.m. where no business will be discussed.
1.    Open meeting with prayer.
2.    Consider public comments.
3.    Information and news items.
4.    President’s Report.
                                    a. TACC Meeting
                                    b. Summer Enrollment
                                    c. Summer Graduation – August 15th 6:30 p.m.
                                    d. Next TVCC Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting – August 25.
5.    Consider minutes of the June 23, 2014 meeting.
6.    Consider business, financial, and investment reports for June 2014.
7.    Discuss the FY14-15 Budget process and consider setting a date for the FY14-15 Budget Workshop and dates for the tax rate hearings.
8.    Consider approval of the FY2014-15 College Catalog.
9.    Consider and discuss purchase of vehicles.
10. Consider and discuss awarding copier lease.
11. Consider and discuss 2014 ACCT Conference, October 22-25, Chicago.
12.  Closed meeting to discuss land and/or personnel in accordance with
        Govt. Codes 551.072 and 551.074.
  13    Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action on the following  matters:
                                     a. Retirements/Resignations:
                                                (1) Christina Merrida, Coaching Assistant, Softball  
                                     b. New Hires:
                                                (1) Sylvia Clay, P/T Enrollment Coordinator, TDCJ
                                                (2) Daniel (Cade) Allen, History Professor
                                                (3) Timothy Samples, Marching Band Director
                                                (4) Tracy Irby, SBDC Counselor
                                                (5) Amanda Weaver, Reading, Writing/Dev. Studies Professor
                                     c. Consider and discuss any changes in reclassification/adjustments/
                                          promotions pertaining to staff.
                                          (1) none
                                     d. Others as necessary
                                               (1) Annual evaluation of the president
                                               (2) Attorney consultation - administrative contracts
                                               (3) Sale of college land
    14. Adjourn

Posted Date:
9/28/2022 11:34:13 AM