The TVCC Information Technology Service Desk uses Service Now, our service desk solution, to track and staff all requests for IT Services. This product makes the management of service incidents easier for you as it allows you to connect to Service Now using your Cardinal ID and password.
TVCC Service Desk
Other ways to connect with the Service Desk
Technical support is also a phone call away. Call the TVCC Infomration Technology Service Desk for quick answers to your technology questions. If the problem cannot be easily resolved, a trouble ticket will be created and a technician will contact you when a resolution to your problem is available. The Service Desk staff can be reached by calling (903)-675-6300.
Come by the Service Desk Office
If you need to stop by the TVCC Information Technology Service Desk to talk to technician, call (903)-675-6300 and schedule an appointment. This helps ensure a technician is available for your visit. The Service Desk is located upstairs in the Learning Resource Center (LRC), Room 221.