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Cardinal Network Access Portal

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The Cardinal Network Access Portal is the latest way to get your device on the TVCC wireless network. It is a mobile friendly portal that let's you login and register your device once a semester. You can now register your own game console without submitting a request.

Read the announcement.
Register Game Console .


TVWireless is an initiative of the IT Services department to provide Trinity Valley Community College with wireless network access to the TVCC Network in most areas across all campuses. Access to TVWireless is available to TVCC staff, faculty, adjunct faculty, students and guests. TVWireless provides access for 802.11 ax, 802.11b/g, 802.11n, and 802.11ac equipped devices. Note that the actual TVWireless login is still encrypted even when other network communications may not be encrypted.


How do I get connected?

Wireless access is available to anyone (faculty, staff, students & guests) on any of TVCC,s campuses. Getting connected to TVWireless is a simple process once a user's computer is correctly equipped and configured. There are only 2 actual requirements: an 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, or 802.11ac compatible wireless network adapter and a web browser. If you are having problems with connecting to TVWireless (TVCC Wireless Network) please contact the IT Services Help Desk.


How do I get connected to TVSecure?

For instructions on connecting your device to TVSecure please click here




By using TVWireless you agree to follow these policies and be responsible for any failure to do so. It is solely the user's responsibility to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the policies that are linked below.

Coverage Areas