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Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

The BIT serves as a central network focused on preventative and timely intervention for student's behavioral concerns. The BIT is a resource for TVCC faculty, staff, and students by which they can report student behaviors of concern. Examples of such behaviors include; but are not limited to:

  • Behavior that appears to be dangerous or threatening to oneself or others
  • Troubling behavior such as anger outbursts in class or on campus
  • Hostility or abusive behaviors
  • Concerning writings submitted for a course
  • Behavior that is inappropirate or disruptive in nature

In some instances, there is no violation of the TVCC Student Code of Conduct, but the behavior may alarm other students or any other involved persons.

*** To quickly find the submission for reporting Behavioral Intervention Issues you can navigate to the form to "Report It" under the TVCC Quick Links menu! ***


  • BIT will receive and gather information about behavior which appears to be dangerous or threatening to oneself or others; troubling behavior; angry, hostile, or abusive behavior; or other behavior that is inappropriate or distruptive to any person on campus
  • Develop specific strategies to manage potentially harmful or disruptive behavior with regard to safety and rights of others in order to minimize disruption to college life
  • Make reccommendations to college officials on appropriate action(s) consistent with college policies and procedures
  • Coordinate the college response to potentially harmful/disruptive students
  • Develop and disseminate informational materials focused on identification and prevention of disruptive behaviors

Referral Process:

  1. Members of the Trinity Valley college community may refer students of concern to the BIT by clicking here. If you believe the student or community is in immediate danger, please contact the University Police Department at 903-675-6235.
  2. You may also contact the BIT chair, Melinda Berry, at 903-675-6224 or