Abigail Vives Discovers Her Community at TVCC

Music has always been a special part of Abigail Vives’ life, and at Trinity Valley Community College (TVCC), she is one step closer to achieving her goal of becoming a vocal instructor.
After graduating from Forney High School in May 2023, Vives was ready to start her college education and initially considered attending a university. Under her dad's advice to start at a community college, she decided to look into TVCC.
“I chose TVCC because it’s close to home and fairly inexpensive,” Vives explained. “TVCC offers great events, and the campus never feels stagnant. There’s always something to do!”
While at TVCC, she has had the opportunity to perform in many concerts including the collaborative Masterworks concert between Tyler Junior College and TVCC, where she performed a short solo in Faure's “Gloria.” But her favorite piece was Adele’s Laughing Song (“Mein Herr Marquis”) during the Harmony on Stage and Screen: Choral Tales from Operas, Musicals and Music Soundtracks concert.
“I would have to say that’s my favorite and most difficult solo,” Vives explained. “I had to do a run that hit a high note then a low note then jump back up to a high note.
Not only has she performed at TVCC and community concerts, but she auditioned and placed for the Texas Two-Year College Choral Directors Association (TTCCDA) All-State Choir. As part of qualifying for the choir, she had the opportunity to rehearse and perform with other all-state community college students at the annual Texas Music Educators Association in early February 2024.
“It was incredible,” she expressed. “I had so much joy to be able to work and perform with such talented singers .”
One of Vives’ favorite parts of TVCC is the sense of community and support. She experienced this firsthand while performing the National Anthem at a TVCC basketball game. During her performance, Vives became nervous and forgot the lyrics.
“I just stood there and started to shake,” she recalled. “The band started singing with me, and then the crowd joined in. It helped me regain my confidence. It was such a sweet moment. I didn’t know these people, yet they wanted to support me.”
The entire crowd supported her in that moment, and TVCC President Dr. Jason Morrison took a moment to encourage and comfort Vives.
“He shook my hand and said, ‘I’m very proud of you for doing this,’” Vives shared. “I started crying because he wanted someone to perform at the basketball game, and I didn’t want to disappoint. Knowing that he was still proud of me and that I tried made me happy. I like knowing my [college] President is coming to events and supporting us.”
Vives added that she feels proud to have a college president who recognizes the Fine Arts programs at TVCC.
“Fine Arts and music programs are so essential,” Vives noted. “There are people who think those programs should be pushed aside. But just imagine what the world would be like without music? It would be boring! Having him attend events and wanting to upgrade our facilities shows his support for the Fine Arts.”
Vives is currently majoring in Music with an emphasis on Vocal Performance. The instructor who has guided her the most at TVCC is Division Chair of Fine Arts and Kinesiology, Professor of Voice, and Choral Director Dr. Kristin Huggins.
“I didn’t know I could do whistle notes, but I practiced with her,” Vives explained. “We found out that I could go higher in my vocal range than I thought. She’s always challenging me and gives me honest feedback. She wants me to be better.”
Vives plans to transfer to either the University of North Texas or Abilene Christian University to major in music education. Her goal is to return to TVCC and work in a position like Huggins’.
“I don’t want to say I want to take her position, but I want a position like hers as a vocal instructor,” Vives added. “I love the way she teaches. She’s open with her students and never makes them feel judged. Plus, she’s a fabulous singer and has learned a lot from her time performing. The lessons she’s learned she shares with me. I just want to be able to continue that and pass her lessons to others.”
Vives hopes potential students can see the excitement and support at TVCC.
“I would say go to TVCC for the experience,” she added. "It’s a great place to learn, and we have great teachers. It’s cheap and there’s always things to do! TVCC changes you for the better.”