TVCC offering basic computer skills classes

The Trinity Valley Continuing Education Department is offering basic computer skills classes for students interested in improving their skills.
The classes will be led by Stacy Palacios on Sept. 10, 17, 24 and Oct. 1 from 9-11 a.m.
It will cover the most common usages of a computer, including understanding the basic notions of computer manipulation; managing computer files, word processing, using spreadsheets and databases; creating presentations; finding information and communicating using computers and being aware of social and ethical implications of internet use.
The cost of the program is $20, with classes being held in the Baugh Technology Building in room TC-114C.
Enrollment and tuition is due by Sept. 6 at 4 p.m.
For more information, contact the Continuing Education Department at 903-675-6212 or email