Collier, Harmon Receive Accessibility Certification Skip to main content



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Collier, Harmon Receive Accessibility Certification

"Cultivating a culture of accessibility for every student"

Harmon Photo

Trinity Valley Community College Distance Learning Specialist Judy Harmon recently completed an accessibility certification program offered by the Texas Distance Learning Association (TxDLA), joining Director of Distance Education Dr. Holley Collier and Director of Student Success Services Melinda Berry as Certified Accessibility Specialists.

“One area of supporting success of students at TVCC in the office of Distance Learning is cultivating a culture of accessibility for every student online or sitting a classroom using technology,” said Collier. “In fact, we do not have to wait for a student with a disability; we can design everything we do with universal design elements that will help anyone who comes to campus or visits our online website and eCourses.”

“My focus was how to help introduce accessibility and universal design for learning to new faculty going through the Faculty Canvas course just as a soft element within the course,” said Harmon.

TxDLA is the leading Texas membership association for distance learning professionals. Members represent public and private education institutions at all levels as well as corporate training professionals and distance learning equipment and content providers.

Posted Date:
11/7/2024 9:19:51 AM