Board Meeting Minutes for Jan. 28, 2013
Trinity Valley Community College
The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 28, 2013 in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building in Athens, with the following members present:
Mr. Ray Raymond
Mr. Kenneth McGee
Mr. David Monk
Mr. Jerry Stone
Dr. Charlie Risinger
1. Mr. McGee opened the meeting with prayer.
2. There were no public comments.
3. There were no information or news items.
4. The following topics were discussed or reviewed in the President’s report:
President Forgey distributed the updated “Value in the Valley” college brochure.
President Forgey updated the Board that spring enrollment is up slightly over last year. This is encouraging as most of the colleges, even the large metropolitan colleges, are experiencing a decline.
President Forgey reported on tuition, fees, and ad valorem rates on state community colleges. TVCC remains one of the lowest for tuition and ad valorem rates.
President Forgey announced that the Palestine and Kaufman Vocational Nursing Programs were commended for having exceptional pass rates. Both sites had pass rates of 96%.
President Forgey commented that the paramedic program received accreditation.
President Forgey mentioned that the Lady Cardinals would be having their annual Play 4 Kay game on Wednesday, January 30th.
President Forgey told the Board that the TVCC Rodeo would be held on February 8 and 9.
President Forgey informed the Board that he would be in Austin attending the TACC quarterly meeting on February 4 and Community College Day on February 5th.
President Forgey reminded the Board that the next regularly scheduled Board meeting would be February 25, 2013.
5. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the minutes to the November 26, 2012 Board meeting be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Monk the Board approve the business, financial and investment reports for November and December 2012. Motion carried unanimously.
7. A presentation was made of the college energy conservation and savings. No action was necessary.
8. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. McGee the Board contract with Smith, Lambright and Associates to perform the college 2012-13 audit for a fee of $29,000. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Monk the Board approve the college background check proposal and fee. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board contract with McLemore and Associates to perform custodial services for the college. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, the Board approve the interlocal agreement with Terrell State Hospital. Motion carried unanimously.
12. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board approve the addition of a staff member for the Human Resources Department. Motion carried unanimously.
13. There was no closed session.
14. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board approve the following personnel actions:
a. Retirements/Resignations/Reductions in Force/Death
(1) Tiffany Henderson, Maintenance, Palestine
(2) Melissa Harrison, Administrative Assistant, Correctional
Education Department
(3) Suzanna Parsons, P/T Student Success Center Assist.
(4) Linda McKee – ADN Instructor/Simulation Lab Coordinator,
(5) Trevor Guyton – Coaching Assistant – Football
(6) Sherard Poteete – Assistant Football Coach/Instructor
(7) Joy Richmond – Director of Theatre, Athens (death)
b. New Hires:
(1) Craig Lee – Theatre Professor, Athens
(2) Micah Hill – Coaching Assistant - Football
c. Reclassifications
d. Other personnel issues
e. Other personnel or land issues
Motion carried unanimously.
18. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Dr. Risinger, to adjourn the meeting at 8:41p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
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The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 28, 2013 in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building in Athens, with the following members present:
Mr. Ray Raymond
Mr. Kenneth McGee
Mr. David Monk
Mr. Jerry Stone
Dr. Charlie Risinger
1. Mr. McGee opened the meeting with prayer.
2. There were no public comments.
3. There were no information or news items.
4. The following topics were discussed or reviewed in the President’s report:
President Forgey distributed the updated “Value in the Valley” college brochure.
President Forgey updated the Board that spring enrollment is up slightly over last year. This is encouraging as most of the colleges, even the large metropolitan colleges, are experiencing a decline.
President Forgey reported on tuition, fees, and ad valorem rates on state community colleges. TVCC remains one of the lowest for tuition and ad valorem rates.
President Forgey announced that the Palestine and Kaufman Vocational Nursing Programs were commended for having exceptional pass rates. Both sites had pass rates of 96%.
President Forgey commented that the paramedic program received accreditation.
President Forgey mentioned that the Lady Cardinals would be having their annual Play 4 Kay game on Wednesday, January 30th.
President Forgey told the Board that the TVCC Rodeo would be held on February 8 and 9.
President Forgey informed the Board that he would be in Austin attending the TACC quarterly meeting on February 4 and Community College Day on February 5th.
President Forgey reminded the Board that the next regularly scheduled Board meeting would be February 25, 2013.
5. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the minutes to the November 26, 2012 Board meeting be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Monk the Board approve the business, financial and investment reports for November and December 2012. Motion carried unanimously.
7. A presentation was made of the college energy conservation and savings. No action was necessary.
8. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. McGee the Board contract with Smith, Lambright and Associates to perform the college 2012-13 audit for a fee of $29,000. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Monk the Board approve the college background check proposal and fee. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board contract with McLemore and Associates to perform custodial services for the college. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, the Board approve the interlocal agreement with Terrell State Hospital. Motion carried unanimously.
12. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board approve the addition of a staff member for the Human Resources Department. Motion carried unanimously.
13. There was no closed session.
14. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board approve the following personnel actions:
a. Retirements/Resignations/Reductions in Force/Death
(1) Tiffany Henderson, Maintenance, Palestine
(2) Melissa Harrison, Administrative Assistant, Correctional
Education Department
(3) Suzanna Parsons, P/T Student Success Center Assist.
(4) Linda McKee – ADN Instructor/Simulation Lab Coordinator,
(5) Trevor Guyton – Coaching Assistant – Football
(6) Sherard Poteete – Assistant Football Coach/Instructor
(7) Joy Richmond – Director of Theatre, Athens (death)
b. New Hires:
(1) Craig Lee – Theatre Professor, Athens
(2) Micah Hill – Coaching Assistant - Football
c. Reclassifications
d. Other personnel issues
e. Other personnel or land issues
Motion carried unanimously.
18. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Dr. Risinger, to adjourn the meeting at 8:41p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
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