First Time Online Student
To get started with your Online Course:
Note* Students out of the state of Texas are not eligible to enroll in online courses at Trinity Valley Community College.
1. Determine your Online Readiness
Online classes offer students convenience and flexibility to participate in higher education. TVCC values the online environment to ensure online students are afforded the same opportunities as students on a TVCC campus. Certain characteristics are valuable for online students. Complete the TVCC Online Readiness survey and determine if the online environment is right for you, what skills you can improve to do better in the online environment, or if you should wait and start in a face-to-face or hybrid course first.
2. Enroll in TVCC Courses
View the steps for Application and Admissions.
3. TVCC Email
TVCC provides email addresses to all enrolled students. The TVCC email address will be used as an official method of communication with the student throughout the semester. Below you will find your Cardinal ID and email address.
Cardinal ID: doej091
TVCC Email Address:
TVIN: 09-00-023
In order to access your TVCC email account and Canvas course and MyCardinal Connect Self Service, please use the Cardinal ID as your user log in. The pattern to the password (even if you have activated your Cardinal ID and created your own password in the past) will be: Lowercase first initial + last four digits of your Social Security number + uppercase last initial + 4 digit year of birth. If your name is Jane Doe, and you were born in the year 1998, and your social security number ends in 1234, your new password would be: j1234D1998.
4. Login to Canvas
To log into Canvas go to the Canvas Login Page. Online courses are made available at 8 a.m. the first day of each semester.
Login using your Cardinal ID and password (same as your TVCC email and computer login). The pattern to the password (even if you have activated your Cardinal ID and created your own password in the past) will be: Lowercase first initial + last four digits of your Social Security number + uppercase last initial + 4 digit year of birth. If your name is Jane Doe, and you were born in the year 1998, and your social security number ends in 1234, your new password would be: j1234D1998.
Contact the IT dept for assistance.
5. Download your Canvas APP
The Canvas Student APP is a great resource to stay connected when you do not have access to a computer. You can download the APP for Android and iOS devices.
6. Access courses early and consistently.
The first day of classes, login to each course and read your Getting Started Modules. Each Getting Started Module provides specific information about each course to help you be successful. Utilize your Q&A discussion boards to get acquainted with your class community.
7. Create a Calendar
Determine the times you will devote, during each week of the semester, to your online classes to learn, study, collaborate, and create.
8. Information to Save
Bookmark the eCourses Login Page and the Distance Learning webpage.