Performance Seasons
The TVCC Cardettes are a year-round performance dance team!
Fall Semester
Early in the fall semester, the Cardettes perform at both pregame and halftime of all home Cardinal football games. During the TVCC pregame show, the Cardettes wear a pom squad style uniform and perform the TVCC fight song, multiple sideline style pep routines, and a collaborative routine featuring both the Cardettes and Cheerleaders. During the first quarter, the team changes into their traditional red and white uniform. They then enter the stands, and perform traditional stand routines until halftime. The TVCC halftime show typically features three Cardette performances- the "Deep In the Heart" field entrance, and then two additional dance routines followed by an exit to the TVCC fight song. The styles performed at halftime are primarily pom, streamer, prop, jazz, and high kick.
Sometimes the Cardinal Football Team is invited to a bowl game (depending on their rankings at the end of the season). Those years, the Cardettes do travel to perform at their bowl game and cheer them on!
The Cardettes spend the end of the semester traveling to march and dance as featured performers in many parades across the state of Texas. Each fall, the Cardettes perform at the State Fair of Texas Opening Day Parade, the Athens Homecoming Parade, and the Dallas Veteran's Day Parade.
Winter Season
In December, the Cardettes perform in the Dallas Holiday Parade and the Athens Christmas parade. Additionally, the Cardettes also ring in the holidays by joining the Cardinal Regiment in their Christmas Concert.
The Texas Dance Educators Association (TDEA) Convention is held early in the month of January. The Cardettes travel to Houston annually to perform alongside other college teams as an opportunity to showcase their talent and recruit high school seniors across the state of Texas.
Spring Semester
In the early months of the spring, the Cardettes perform at all home Cardinal and Lady Cardinal basketball games. The team performs through the entire game- doing routines near the the baseline during timeouts in addition to their full halftime routine. The Cardettes wear a variety of flashy pom squad style uniforms on basketball gamedays.
The Cardettes also have an elite competition team among the ranks... the Cardette Showgirls! The Showgirls represent Trinity Valley each year at the ADTS Collegiate Championship in Denton, and the Dance Team Union College Classic in Orlando, Florida. For more information about the Cardette Showgirls, see their page.
Just before final exams in May, is the spring show- Cardette Curtain. The full-length production includes the styles of lyrical, contemporary, jazz, novelty, hip hop, pom, kick, and western.
Summer Season
Each August, the Cardette Showoffs is the kick-off of the year. Both new freshmen and returning sophomores are given the opportunity to be introduced, and show their football routines to their friends and families in a more private setting before taking them to the football field!