Steps to Participate in Commencement
Steps to Participate in Commencement:
- Check Your TVCC Cardinal Email - Notices regarding graduation eligibility will go out 2-3 weeks prior to the end of the current semester.
- Regalia - TVCC students receive regalia at no cost through the TVCC Bookstores; dates for pick up will be listed in your Graduation Notification in your TVCC Cardinal Email. There is no dress code specified for what students wear beneath their regalia.
- Guests - There are currently no limits for the number of guests you can invite to attend your commencement ceremony. A map of the commencement venue including best entrances and where to park is included with your Graduation Notification or at the link below.
- Ceremony Times - TVCC holds multiple ceremonies to accommodate the high number of graduates during the fall (December Ceremony) and spring (May Ceremony) semesters. The start times for each ceremony will be listed in your Graduation Notification in your TVCC Cardinal Email.
- Commencement Ceremony Arrival - Graduates should plan to arrive at least one hour prior to their ceremony time. Once arrived, graduates will check-in by their last initial. At check-in you will receive your name card, and any ceremonial cords. Be sure to hang onto your name card at all times, especially for walking the stage! If you have arrived in time and wish to enter the graduation cap decorating contest you may proceed to the judge's table. Otherwise you may wait until line-up.
- Commencement Procession Line-Up - Staff members will begin lining graduates up for the procession roughly 30 minutes prior to the ceremony. TVCC graduates do not walk in any order for most ceremonies, so join the procession line when you're ready and wait for further instructions to proceed. Graduation Cap Decoration Contest winners will be announced, and then the procession will proceed to the auditorium where your guests are awaiting to watch your graduate.
- Crossing the Stage - Ushers will let your row know when to rise and proceed to the stage. When it is your turn, you will hand your name card to the announcer who will call out your name and any honorable mentions. As you cross, you will be met by the college president who will give you your diploma tube and the two of you will pause breifly for a photo opportunity. You will then exit the stage down the ramp to yet another photo opportunity, this time with a staff member to make sure you look your best for your photo. Then you may return to your seat.
Important Tips:
Where does my stuff go? Be sure to leave any personal items in your vehicle or with your guests; there are no places to store any student personal items during the commencement ceremony.
Which Entrance? You can use any entrance provided on the graduation map, but there is a special entrance for graduates only. Be aware guests arriving at this entrance will be rerouted to the next closest entrance.
Arrive on-time! Graduates who arrive late will be hurried into the procession line but may end up graduating at the end of the ceremony rather than in their desired order next to any friends.
Taking Pictures? All graduates will have their photo taken with a professional photographer while crossing the stage and directly after cvrossing the stage. You can order these professional photos at the link below. To make the best of the professional photography opportunity, be sure to register with the team prior to the event. This will ensure that the team has the best opportunity to focus in on you for special day, as the team takes many photos throughout the process with you.
If you want time to take personal pictures with friends prior to the procession, be sure to arrive early enough to do so. Pictures taken after the ceremony should be done outside of the guest seating area or in the parking lot. TVCC often hosts many ceremonies in a single day, which means there may be guests entering the venue for the next ceremony as you are exiting.
Find answers to the most common questions regarding Graduation.
We're proud of our graduates & we welcome those who want to help us celebrate!
Our venue is located off campus, but we're happy to help navigate.