TVCC-2017-2018-Catalog - page 87

Any member of the College community may file a complaint against a student
alleging a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. The complaint should be in
written form and filed in a timely manner in order to avoid unnecessary delays in
the judicial process. Complaints must be submitted to the campus judicial officer
within a reasonable time following an alleged incident, not to exceed 10 College
business days. A copy of all reported complaints and violations must be given to the
campus judicial officer.
In cases where violations of the Student Code of Conduct occur on the Kaufman,
Palestine or Terrell campuses, the provost of that campus will serve as the first step
of the judicial process. Complaints on these campuses must be submitted to the
campus provost within a reasonable time following an alleged incident, not to
exceed 10 College business days. The campus provost will communicate details of
the complaint to the judicial officer who will continue the judicial process as
described below.
In cases where violations of the Student Code of Conduct occur within an online
class, the director of distance learning will serve as the first step in the judicial
process. Complaints from online students must be submitted to the director of
distance learning within a reasonable time following the alleged incident, not to
exceed 10 college business days. The director of distance learning will communicate
details of the complaint to the judicial officer, who will continue the judicial process
described below.
The judicial officer may summon a student to appear before him/her in connection
with an alleged violation by notifying the student
orally at the time of the violation,
via email, or
hand delivering a letter via a campus administrator or designee
If a student fails, without good cause, to comply with a letter of summons, the
judicial officer may suspend the student from classes until the student reports.
At a conference with the student, the judicial officer will advise the student of
his/her rights. After an initial investigation, the judicial officer will make a ruling. If
a student accepts the ruling of the judicial officer, the student will sign a statement
that he/she understands the nature of the charges, his/her right to a hearing or to
waive the same, the penalty imposed and the student’s waiver of the right of appeal.
The judicial officer will prepare an accurate, written summary of each
administrative disposition of a violation. A copy will be retained and made available
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