TVCC-2017-2018-Catalog - page 96

TVCC encourages students to discuss their concerns and complaints, including
academic grade appeals, through informal conferences with the appropriate
instructor. Regardless of the instructional mode of delivery or location, concerns
should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest
possible administrative level. If an informal conference regarding a complaint fails
to reach the outcome requested by the student, the student may initiate the formal
process delineated in TVCC Board Policy FLD (LOCAL), and outlined below, by
timely filing a written complaint form with the appropriate College personnel. Even
after initiating the formal complaint process, students are encouraged to seek
informal resolution of their concerns.
A student whose concerns are resolved may withdraw a formal complaint at any
time. The following grievance process
does NOT
apply to:
complaints alleging discrimination or harassment based on race, color,
gender, national origin, disability or religion;
complaints concerning retaliation related to discrimination and
complaints concerning disciplinary decisions;
complaints concerning a commissioned peace officer who is an employee
of the College.
Students may not appeal grades recorded on permanent records after one
year from the date the grade was recorded.
The following grievance process is designated for students who want to appeal
an academic decision that does not involve a grade:
A student who wishes to file a formal complaint must do so in writing within 15
College business days of the decision or action giving rise to the complaint or
grievance. The complaint should be presented to the division chairperson/associate
vice president and/or the appropriate campus provost who will schedule a
conference with the student within 10 days after the receipt of the written
complaint. Copies of any documents that support the complaint should be attached
to the written complaint.
After the initial conference with the level one administrator, no new documents may
be submitted unless the student did not know the documents existed before the
initial conference occurred. The administrator with whom the conference was held
will have ten days following the conference to provide the student with a written
response of the decision.
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