TVCC-2017-2018-Catalog - page 79

the possession, use, manufacture and/or sale of any incendiary device;
participation in setting or causing to be set any unauthorized fire; and/or
the possession and/or use of any type of fireworks.
includes engaging in any form of gambling that is in violation of the law.
any act that creates an unpleasant or hostile situation for another person,
especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct, and/or
intentionally and/or repeatedly following, stalking or contacting another
person in a manner that intimidates, harasses or places another in fear of
his/her personal safety or that of his/her property.
is defined as an act which endangers the emotional, mental or physical
health or safety of a student, with or without his/her expressed permission, or
which destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation,
admission into, and affiliation with or as a condition for continued membership in a
group or organization. Hazing includes acts that are intended to or actually cause
physical discomfort, embarrassment and/or ridicule of another person for the
purposes mentioned above. Any acts of hazing are considered violations of the
Student Code of Conduct.
refers to:
students who knowingly act or plan to act in concert to violate College
regulations, and/or
any student who knowingly allows another student to violate College
regulations without reporting to a College official. Such students have
individual and joint responsibility for their behavior.
includes any sexual conduct that takes place without the victim's
consent. Sexual conduct will be deemed to be without the victim's consent when:
the victim has instructed the perpetrator not to engage in the conduct;
the victim is forced to submit to the act;
the victim is reasonably in fear that the victim or another person will be
harmed if the victim does not submit to the act;
the victim is unable to give consent or permission or is unable to resist
because of intoxication with drugs or alcohol; and/or
the victim is unable to give consent or permission, or is unable to resist
because of any mental or physical disability.
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