TVCC-2017-2018-Catalog - page 284

RNSG 2363. Clinical III. (3-0-12-0)
Prerequisite: RNSG 1126, 1533, and 2362
Corequisite:. RNSG 1538 and 1137.
A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational
theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. The student must
pass both RNSG 1538, 1137, and 2363 concurrently in order to be able to progress to the Level III nursing
courses. Lab fee: $43. Liability insurance required. Lab fee includes liability insurance. Requires
computer/web access.
RNSG 2539. Health Care Concepts IV. (5-4-4-0)
Prerequisite: RNSG 1538, 1137, and 2363
Corequisite: RNSG 2138 and 2360.
In-depth coverage of advanced health care concepts with nursing application through selected exemplars.
Concepts include, cognition, immunity, clotting, fluid and electrolyte balance, gas exchange, metabolism,
nutrition, perfusion, tissue integrity and interpersonal relationships. Continuing development of clinical
judgment with integration of all health care concepts. The course lends itself to a concept-based approach.
Lab fee: $109. Includes diagnostic test fee, lab fee and class photos. Requires computer/web access.
RNSG 2138. Professional Nursing Concepts IV. (1-1-1-0)
Prerequisite: RNSG 1538, 1137 and 2363
Corequisite: RNSG 2539 and 2360
Integration of professional nursing concepts and exemplars within the professional nursing roles.
Synthesizes concepts of clinical judgment, ethical-legal, evidence-based practice, leadership and
management, patient-centered care, professionalism, teamwork and collaboration through exemplars
presented in the Health Care Concepts courses. Emphasizes concept of quality improvement and introduces
health policy. Incorporates concepts into role development of the professional nurse. This course lends
itself to a concept-based approach. Requires computer/web access.
RNSG 2360. Clinical IV. (3-0-12-0)
Prerequisite: RNSG 1538, 1137 and 2363
Corequisite: RNSG 2539 and 2138
A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational
theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. The student must
pass both RNSG 2539, 2138, and 2360 concurrently in order to be able to graduate from the nursing
program. Lab fee: $35. Liability insurance required. Requires computer/web access.
RNSG 1324. Concept-Based Transition to Prof ssional Nursing Practice (3-2-4-0)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Transition Nursing Program
Corequisite: RNSG 1128, 1118, and 1162 or 1163.
Integration of previous health care knowledge and skills into the role development of the professional nurse
as a provider of patient-centered care, patient safety advocate, member of health care team, and member of
the profession. Emphasis is on clinical decision-making for patients and their families. Review of selected
health care and professional nursing concepts with application through exemplars. Health care concepts
include comfort, diversity, elimination, functional ability, human development, mobility, nutrition, sensory
perception, sleep, coping, thermoregulation, tissue integrity, acid-base balance, clotting, cognition, fluid and
electrolyte balance, gas exchange, immunity, metabolism, nutrition, grief and perfusion. Professional
nursing concepts include clinical judgment, communication, ethical-legal, evidence-based practice, health
promotion, health information technology, patient-centered care, patient education, professionalism,
safety,and teamwork and collaboration. Introduces concepts of leadership and management. This course
lends itself to a concept-based approach. Lab fee: $236 Includes HESI package fee and lab fee. Requires
computer/web access.
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