TVCC-2017-2018-Catalog - page 51

EXAMPLE: Current GPA for the semester in which the student was placed on
suspension was 1.75. The student must bring his/her cumulative GPA up to 2.0 to
regain eligibility for financial aid. Grades achieved in any subsequent semester and
hours transferred in can count toward making up a deficiency.
Students are responsible for notifying the Office of Student Financial Aid and
PROVIDING A COPY of their grades when they believe they have met the
requirements to regain eligibility for Title IV assistance.
Students may use the fast
track semesters to regain eligibility between the fall and spring or between the
spring and summer semesters. Students may use the summer semesters to regain
eligibility between spring and fall semesters.
Students placed on financial aid suspension due to lack of SAP may appeal the denial
of financial aid if they have DOCUMENTED EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES. To
initiate an appeal, students must complete an “Appeal Form – SAP”, available in the
financial aid office on each campus, and submit it to the financial aid office,
accompanied by all required documentation regarding their situation.
Conditions that may serve as grounds for an appeal include medical problems with
self or immediate family member, car accident, death in the family, etc.
Documentation of the circumstances must accompany the appeal form. The student
will need to submit this appeal to be placed on the reservation list to appear before
the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. THE STUDENT MUST BE ON THE
The decision for approval or denial of this appeal rests with the Financial Aid
Appeals Committee. The committee may prescribe certain conditions under which
the student may continue to receive financial aid. The conditions may include
limiting the number of semester hours, assigning an academic coach to whom the
student must report, or prescribing other conditions designed to assist the student
in being successful in their educational endeavors. If the student’s appeal is
approved by the committee, he/she will be placed on
financial aid probation
. If the
director of financial aid determines that it will take more than one semester for the
student to meet the regular SAP standards, the student must meet with an academic
advisor to develop an academic plan to be followed while on financial aid probation.
The student’s progress will be evaluated each semester to determine if he/she
meets the requirements for continued financial aid.
A student who does not follow the academic plan requirements created by an
advisor and as specified by the committee will be subject to the denial of further
financial aid. A decision will be made regarding the approval or denial of the appeal
at the time of appeal, and the student will be informed of this decision while at the
committee meeting.
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