TVCC-2017-2018-Catalog - page 44

A student who has current certification from the Texas Department of State Health
Services as an EMT Intermediate but who did not complete EMSP 1338, 1356 and
1261 or receive equivalent transfer credit from another college or university, may
receive credit for EMSP 1338, 1356 and 1261 if the following advanced placement
requirements are met:
Submission of a copy of current EMT Intermediate certification from the
Texas Department of State Health Services.
Successful passage of a written evaluation at the EMT intermediate level
with a grade of 75% or better, satisfactorily demonstrate skills proficiency,
and satisfactorily demonstrate clinical proficiency on simulated EMS
intermediate level scenarios as verified by a TVCC EMS instructor.
Admission acceptance by TVCC. Credit will be awarded and placed on the
student’s academic record only after the student has earned the equivalent
number of semester hours at TVCC (Eight for intermediate level courses).
Be TSI complete or exempt in reading.
Submission of a $50 fee for administering the EMT advanced placement
evaluation for the intermediate level; the fee is payable to the business
office and is nonrefundable.
A student who has current certification from the Texas Department of State Health
Services as an EMT Paramedic, but who did not complete EMSP 2362, 2434, 2444,
1355, 2143, 2361, 2330, and 2363 or receive equivalent transfer credit from
another college or university, may receive credit for EMSP, 2362, 2434, 2444, 1355,
2143, 2361, 2330, and 2363 if the following advanced placement requirements are
met: 1.
Submission of a copy of current EMT Paramedic certification from the
Texas Department of State Health Services.
Submission of copy of current ACLS and ITLS certification from American
Heart Association and a copy of PALS or PEPP certification.
Submission of documentation of two years recent experience as a
paramedic along with letters of recommendation from the current
supervisor and medical director.
Successful passage of a written evaluation at the EMT Paramedic level with
a grade of 75% or better, satisfactorily demonstrate skills proficiency and
satisfactorily demonstrate clinical proficiency on simulated EMS
paramedic level scenarios as verified by a TVCC EMS instructor.
Admissions acceptance by TVCC. Credit will be awarded and placed on the
student’s academic record only after the student has earned the equivalent
number of semester hours at TVCC (24 for paramedic courses).
Completion of TSI requirements or exemption in reading.
Submission of a $100 fee for administering the EMT advanced placement
evaluation for the paramedic level; this fee is payable to the business office
and is nonrefundable.
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