Travis Dungan is from the Florida panhandle. Loves that fresh salty air of the beach and all that great seafood along the Gulf Coast. He has a peaceful home on Lake Palestine that reminds him of home as much as any where around here could but still plans to move closer to the shore eventually.
He enjoys the outdoors; fishing, sailing, bird watching, traveling and playing golf when there's time. He'd rather be sitting at a baseball game or surf fishing than almost anywhere else.
Mr. Dungan’s career started in the mid 70's as a Chemist for Campbell Soup Co, working in their South Carolina, Arkansas and Maryland production facilities, where he continued on to become QC Manager eventually. After leaving the food industry he became the Research & Development Mgr for a Private Pharmaceutical Co in Shreveport for 2 years until the company was bought out.
Mr. Dungan has been a faculty member at several local Colleges/Universities before becoming a TVCC Cardinal in 2004. He kept an office on the Palestine campus until retiring from full-time teaching in 2019. He's taught Chemistry, Meteorology, Geology and Astronomy the early half of his academic career, offering Chemistry on campus for the last few years and now teaches part-time, online only.
Mr. Dungan is an Organic/Analytical Chemist by training, specializing in Spectroscopic Identification using IR, UV-VIS, NMR, MS, GC, HPLC and other methods of Instrumental Analysis. He's always had a strong personal and professional interest in water and wastewater treatment, starting with a lab tech job at the Environmental Protection Agency on beautiful Pensacola Beach while in undergraduate school and growing up along the Gulf Coast. Mr. Dungan can be reached at