The Trinity Valley Community College Cardinal Singers and Chamber Singers is an opportunity for anyone to come to our campus who enjoys singing.
Michael Matchael is the director of the Cardinal and Chamber Singers programs. He is collaborating with the Adult and Continuing Education department to offer classes for the community.
The Cardinal Singers and Chamber Singers classes are $123 each and start on Aug. 22 until Dec. 5.
The Cardinal Singers class is set for Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:40-2:55 p.m. in the Fine Arts Building on the Athens campus.
For those interested in the Chamber Singers, a student must audition with Mr. Matchael prior to enrolling in the class. Please contact Matchael at or 903-675-6351.
The class times are 10:50-12:05 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays in the Fine Arts Building on the Athens campus.
Enrollment and tuition for both classes is due by Aug. 16 at 4 p.m.
For more information, contact the TVCC Adult and Continuing Education department by email at or by phone at 903-675-6212 during business hours.