Ready to see some great artwork by our talented students?
The 2022 TVCC Student Art Show is being held April 26-May 1 at the Learning Resource Center on the Athens campus.
The pieces can be seen on the first and second floors with viewing hours when the building is open. It will be closed on Saturday.
“Once again, Trinity Valley is showcasing the art of the 2022 Spring semester Design, Drawing II and Painting classes,” Studio Arts Instructor September Kirk said. “You will enjoy works of art in acrylic, watercolor, colored pencil, pastels, suminagashi, glass and printmaking.”
The Cardinal Auction is set for April 26-28 with bidding closing at 3 p.m. Thursday. The items for the auction can be viewed on the first floor of the LRC.
Kirk said the second level will display most of the work. The first level will display the Cardinal projects that have been donated for the auction. Proceeds will help support getting art materials.
You can look at some of the work being presented at the following link,