Trinity Valley Community College
The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session at 7:30 pm on Monday, October 23, 2017 in the Orval Pirtle Administration Building, Athens, with the following members present.
Mr. Ray Raymond Mr. Ron Day Mr. David Monk
Mr. Jerry Stone Mr. Steve Grant Mrs. Paula Kimball
Mr. Homer Norville Dr. Charlie Risinger Mr. Kenneth McGee
- Dr. Risinger opened the meeting with prayer.
- There were no public comments.
- The following topics were discussed in the president’s report:
- Kristen Bennett provided an update on the TVCC Foundation
- Next scheduled board meeting – November 27th
- Dr. King informed the board that TVCC was named in the top 10% of 150 community colleges by the Aspen Institute.
- Mr. Norville moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, for the board to approve the September 11, 2017 and September 18, 2017 board minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
- Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Day, for the board to approve the financial and investment reports for August and September 2017. Motion carried unanimously.
- Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. Norville, for the board to approve the asbestos removal from the Professional Building at the Terrell facility to be funded from the college contingency account, and award this service to Air Quality Associates, Inc. Motion carried unanimously.
- Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Day, for the board to approve the addition of the pharmacy technician certificate program to go into effect fall 2018. Motion carried unanimously.
- Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Monk, for the board to approve the purchase of fitness center equipment from Matrix through E&I Procurement Services. Motion carried unanimously.
- Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Day, for the board to approve the personnel updates as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
- Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Norville to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
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