Board of Trustees Minutes - Feb. 22, 2016 Skip to main content



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Board of Trustees Minutes - Feb. 22, 2016

 Trinity Valley Community College
The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 22, 2016 in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building in Athens, with the following members present:
Mr. Ray Raymond             Mr. Kenneth McGee                    Mr. Homer Norville
Mr. David Monk                 Mr. Jerry Stone                 Mr. Steve Grant
                    Mr. Ron Day                     Mrs. Paula Kimball
1. Mr. McGee opened the meeting with prayer.
2.  There were no public comments.

3.  There was no public information report
4. The following topics were discussed or reviewed in the President’s report:
    Dr. Kinzer presented a report on enrollment.  Dr. King added comments about the enrollment of some of the health science and other programs
    Tina Rummel presented an update on the SACSCOC reaffirmation.
    President Forgey mentioned that Texas State Representative John Wray wrote a letter congratulating the college on being named to the Aspen Institute List.
    President Forgey advised the Board that the TVCC Student Government Association was named Region 2 chapter of the year.
    President Forgey informed the Board of recent activity by the TVCC Rodeo team.
    President Forgey advised the Board of the upcoming regional and NJCAA basketball tournaments.
    President Forgey reminded the Board that the next regularly scheduled Board meeting would be March 28, 2016.
5. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the minutes to the January 25, 2016 Board meeting be approved.  Motion carried unanimously.
6. Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. Day, the Board approve the business, financial and investment reports for January 2016.  Motion carried unanimously. 
7. Mr. Norville moved, seconded by Mrs. Kimball the Board approve the FY16-17 college academic calendar.  Motion carried unanimously.
8. Mrs. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Stone the Board approve the purchase of vehicles from Caldwell Country Chevrolet.  Motion carried unanimously.   
9. Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Grant, that Mr. Monk be appointed to the Chandler Tax Increment Finance District Board.   Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Monk abstaining.
10.      Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board approve the LOCAL Board policy updates.
11.      Dr. Forgey reported that the house on the Huggins Ranch property had been demolished.
12.      Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. McGee, the Board go into closed session at 8:30 p.m. in accordance with Government Code 551.072 and 551.074 to consider personnel and land matters.  Motion carried unanimously.
13.      Mr. Grant moved, seconded by Mr. Norville, the Board return from closed door session at 11:15 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.
14.     Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mrs. Kimball, the Board approve the following personnel actions:
                              a. Retirements/Resignations/Reductions in Force
                                  (1) Jennifer Robertson, Director of Human Resources
                                  (2) Jessica Jenkins, Student Financial Aid Specialist, Veteran’s
                              b.   New hires
                                  (1) Brittney Griffith, Volleyball Coaching Assistant
                                  (2) Chalisa Madsen, Administrative Assistant, Student Success Services
                                  (3) Sherard Poteete, Offensive Coordinator
                                  (4) Danica Edwards, Student Retention Advisor
                                  (5) Jonathan Miller, LRC Specialist, Kaufman Health Science
                              c.   Reclassifications/Transfers/Adjustments:
                                  (1) Jennifer Evilsizer, Director-in-Training, Student Financial Aid      & Veteran’s Services to Director, Student Financial Aid
                                        & Veteran’s Services
                                  (2) Brett Daniel, Associate Vice President of Information Technology to Interim Vice President of Information Technology
                                  (3) Donald Fulford, Professor to Professor/Division Chairperson, Career & Technology
                                  (4) Delana Newman, Accounting Specialist (Accounts Payable) to Accounting Specialist (Accounts Receivable)
                              d.   Other personnel issues or land issues
                                        Motion carried unanimously.
15. Mr. McGee moved, seconded by Mr. Day, to adjourn the meeting at 11:16 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.
                   __________________________________         ____________________
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__________________________________          ____________________
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Posted Date:
9/28/2022 11:38:34 AM