TVCC-2017-2018-Catalog - page 259

DRAM 1330. Stagecraft I. (3-3-3)
Study and application of the methods and components of theatrical production which may include one or more
the following: theater facilities, scenery construction and painting, properties, lighting, costume, makeup, sound
management. Lab fee.
DRAM 1341. Make-up for the Stage. (3-3-3)
Design and execution of makeup for the purpose of developing believable characters. Includes the
discussion of basic makeup principles and practical experience of makeup application. The craft of makeup
is explored. Both theory and practice are included. Lab fee.
DRAM 1342. Technical Theatre: Stage Costuming. (3-3-3)
The fundamentals of costume technology and construction for theatrical productions are studied. Lab fee.
DRAM 1351. Acting I. (3-3-3)
An introduction to the fundamental principles and tools of acting as used in auditions, rehearsals and
performances. This may include ensemble performing, character and script analysis and basic theater
terminology. This exploration will emphasize the development of the actor’s instrument: voice, body and
imagination. Lab fee.
DRAM 1352. Acting II. (3-3-3)
Exploration and further training within the basic principles and tools of acting, including an emphasis on
critical analysis of oneself and others. The tools include ensemble performing, character and script analysis
and basic theater terminology. This will continue the exploration of the development of the actor’s
instrument: voice, body and imagination. Lab fee.
DRAMA 2331. Stagecraft II. (3-3-3)
Prerequisite: DRAM 1330 or approval of instructor.
A continued study and application of the methods and components of theatrical production which may
include one or more of the following: theater facilities, scenery construction and painting, properties,
lighting, costume, makeup, sound and theatrical management. An emphasis on theatrical lighting and sound.
Lab fee.
DRAM 2336. Voice for the Theater. (3-3-0)
Application of the performer’s use of the voice as a creative instrument of effective communication.
Encourages an awareness of the need for vocal proficiency and employs techniques designed to improve the
performer’s speaking abilities. (Students may register for either SPCH 1342 or DRAM 2336 but may receive
credit for only one.)
DRAM 2351. Acting III: Script Analysis and Auditioning Techniques. (3-3-3)
Prerequisite: DRAM 1351, DRAM 1352
Development of basic skills and techniques of acting including increased sensory awareness, ensemble
performing, character analysis and script analysis. This course provides the student with the information
and skills needed for auditioning in both professional and educational theatre. Emphasis will include
analysis of oneself, script analysis and development of the actor’s instruments. Students will build resumes
and an individualized repertoire. Lab fee.
DRAM 2366. Introduction to Cinema. (3-3-3)
Core Area 050
Survey and analyze cinema including history, film techniques, production procedures, selected motion
pictures, and cinema’s impact on and reflection of society. The lab part of the course will primarily be
devoted to viewing selected films. Lab fee.
DRAM 2389. Academic Cooperative. (3-1-5)
An instructional program designed to integrate on-campus study with practical hands-on work experience.
In conjunction with class seminars, the individual student will set specific goals and objectives in the study
of drama. Lab fee.
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