TVCC-2017-2018-Catalog - page 245

COMM 2315. News Reporting (formerly listed as News Gathering & Writing II). (3-3-3)
Recommended prerequisite: COMM 2311 or consent of instructor.
Continuation of COMM 2311. This course focuses on advanced news gathering and writing skills. It
concentrates on the three-part process of producing news stories: discovering the news, reporting the news
and writing the news in different formats. Instruction in interpretive news presentation and development of
in-depth reporting. Emphasis on advanced reporting techniques. Supervised work as a member of the
staff. Lab fee.
COMM 2324, 2325. Advanced Practicum in Electronic Media I, II. (3-3-3)
Prerequisite: COMM 2332
Practical experience in the application and operation of television and audio equipment, including both the
pre- and post-production process of field and studio production.
COMM 2332. Radio/Television News (3-3-3)
Preparation and analysis of news styles for the electronic media. A continuation of the key components of
production for electronic media. Students will gain experience in analysis of news style.
BCIS 1305. Business Computer Applications. (3-2-4)
Core Area 090
Introduction of computer terminology, hardware, software, operating system and information systems
relating to the business environment. The main focus of this course is on business applications of software,
including word processing, electronic spreadsheets, a database management system, presentation software
and business-orientation utilization of the internet. Lab fee.
COSC 1309. Logic Design (3-3-0)
A discipline approach to problem solving with structured techniques and representation of algorithms using
pseudo code and graphical tools. Discussion of methods for testing, evaluation and documentation.
COSC 1336. Programming Fundamentals I. (3-3-3)
Prerequisite: Must have taken COSC 1309 or must take COSC 1309 & COSC 1336 together, or approval of
Introduces the fundamental concepts of structured programming. Topics include software development
methodology, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing
and debugging. This course assumes computer literacy. Lab fee.
COSC 1337. Programming Fundamentals II. (3-3-3)
Prerequisite: COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I and COSC 1309, or approval of instructor.
Review of control structures and data types with emphasis on structured data types. Applies the object-
oriented programming paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals
of object-oriented design. Includes basic analysis of algorithms, searching and sorting techniques and an
introduction to software engineering. Lab fee.
COSC 2325 Computer Organization and Machine Language. (3-3-3)
Prerequisite: COSC 1336
Basic computer organization; machine cycles, digital representation of data and instructions; assembly
language programming, assembler, loader, macros, subroutines and program linkages. Lab fee.
COSC 2336 Programming Fundamentals III. (3-3-3)
Prerequisite: COSC 1337
Further applications of programming techniques, introducing the fundamental concepts of structures and
algorithms. Topics include recursion, fundamental data structures (including stacks, queues, linked lists,
hash tables, trees and graphs) and algorithmic analysis. Lab fee.
IMED 1301. Introduction to Digital Media. (3-2-4)
Prerequisite: BCIS 1305 or equivalent of approval of instructor.
A survey of the theories, elements, and hardware/software components of digital media. Emphasis on
conceptualizing and producing digital media presentations. Lab Fee.
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