PHTC 1411 Fundamentals of Photography (4-4-4)
An introduction to camera operation and image production, composition, supplemental lighting and use of
exposure meters and filters. Lab fee.
PHTC 1313 History of Photography (3-3-0)
A historical survey of the technical and aesthetic development of photography. Topics include the
beginnings of the medium, inventors, development of photographic equipment, styles of the creative
masters, aesthetic themes and the social impact of photography.
PHTC 1341 Color Photography I (3-1-8)
Advanced skill development in color image production. Emphasis on use of specialized color techniques and
applications. Lab fee.
PHTC 2301 Intermediate Photography (3-2-4)
Continuation of Fundamentals of Photography. Emphasizes social, portrait, studio, fashion, theatrical,
publicity and event photography. Lab fee.
PHTC 1391 Special Topics in Com Photo (3-2-4)
Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors
pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This
course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency. Lab fee.
PHTC 1380 Co-Op Com Photo (3-1-20)
Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an
individualized agreement among the college, employer and student. Under the supervision of the college and
the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Lab fee.
PHTC 1443 Expressive Photography (4-2-8)
A study of formal, professional, and individual uses of photography by applying photographic technology to
personalized and professional needs. Emphasis on creative visual thinking and problem solving and the
exploration of personal vision. Lab fee.
PHYS 1401. College Physics I. (4-3-3)
Core Area 030
Recommended prerequisite: HS Trigonometry and MATH 1314 College Algebra or concurrent enrollment in
higher-level Math; Required corequisite: Laboratory for PHYS 1401
Fundamental principles of physics, using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of
classical mechanics and thermodynamics, including harmonic motion, mechanical waves and sound,
physical systems, Newton’s Laws of Motion, and gravitation and other fundamental forces; with emphasis on
problem solving. A laboratory component is included that gives practical experience to material covered in
class. Lab fee.
PHYS 1402. College Physics II. (4-3-3)
Core Area 030
Recommended prerequisite: PHYS 1401 College Physics I or consent of instructor; Required corequisite:
Laboratory for PHYS 1402
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