The Board of Trustees of Trinity Valley Community College will meet in regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 24, 2022, in the board room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building, Athens, Texas. Dinner will be served for the board members in the administration conference room at 6:30 p.m., where no business will be discussed.
The Board of Trustees may take formal action as to any of the items listed below:
1. Open meeting with prayer.
2. Consider public comments.
a. Award presentation by Representative Keith Bell
3. Consider annual audit report presented by Kevin Cashion, Gollob
Morgan Peddy- Accounting Firm.
4. President’s report.
a. 2022 Spring Semester
b. TVCC and Cheer team gaining positive national attention from
Netflix’s docuseries, Cheer in Season 2 released last week.
c. Next regularly scheduled board meeting February 28th
5. Consider minutes of the November 22, 2021, and the December 14, 2021, board meetings.
6. Consider business, financial, and investment reports for October and November 2021.
7. Consider annual investment report.
8. Consider and discuss Board of Trustee for District 4 vacancy.
9. Consider and discuss TVCC Board of Trustee Policy Manual.
10. Review and approve investment policy and strategy.
11. Consider and discuss TVCC Board of Trustee Redistricting Plan.
12. Consider and approve request to contract with Financial Aid Services for
consulting firm services for the financial aid compliance review.
13. Consider and discuss personnel updates.
14. Convene to executive session pursuant to Texas Government Codes
551.071 and 551.072 the Texas Open Meetings Act, for the following
a) Private consultation with the college’s attorney about pending or
contemplated litigation, and/or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code.
b) Real estate discussion.
15. Take any necessary action on the following matters:
a) Legal matter
b) Real estate
16. Adjourn.