February 28, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes Skip to main content



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February 28, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees


Trinity Valley Community College

The Trinity Valley Community College Board of Trustees met in a regularly called session at 7:30 pm on Monday February 28, 2022, in the Board Room of the Orval Pirtle Administration Building with the following members present.

Mr. David Monk        Dr. Terry Eason        Dr. Charlie Risinger
Mr. Jerry Stone        Mr. Steve Grant        Mr. Ray Raymond
Mr. Michael Hembree    Mr. Ron Day                
Members not present:  

1.    Dr. Eason opened the meeting with prayer.

2.    There were no public comments. 

3.    The following topics were discussed in the president’s report:
•    TVCC Excellence Award awarded to the Texas Court Reporters
      Association (TCRA)
•    TVCC Service Awards awarded to Melanie Forbes and Judy Gamm
•    SACSCOC Level II Baccalaureate Substantive Change - Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree update
•    Board of Trustees District 4 update
•    Northwest Hall renovation update
•    Workforce in Kaufman County update
•    Department of Education Program Review update
•    There will be a TVCC 75th Anniversary Celebration on April 23rd
•    Next regularly scheduled board meeting March 28th

4.  Dr. Eason moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, for the board to approve the
    January 24, 2022, board meeting minutes.  Motion carried unanimously. 

5.  Mr. Grant moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, for the board to approve the
     business, financial, and investment reports for December 2021. Motion
     carried unanimously.

6. Mr. Day moved, seconded by Dr. Risinger, for the board to approve the 
    FY 2022-2023 College Calendar as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

7. The TVCC Police Department’s Racial Profiling Report was reviewed.
     No action needed.

8.  Mr. Monk moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, for the board to approve the 
     contingency fund budget adjustments as presented.  Motion carried 

9.  Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Day, for the board to table the 
     increase in room rates for 2022-23 until the March board meeting.  Motion
     carried unanimously.

10. Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Monk, for the board to approve 
      the renewal of bank depository contract with Prosperity Bank for the period 
     April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023.  Motion carried unanimously.

11. Mr. Hembree moved, seconded by Dr. Eason, for the board to approve 
      local policy updates as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

12. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Dr. Eason, for the board to table the 
      TVCC Board of Trustees Roles and Responsibilities Manual as presented.  
      Motion carried with Mr. Hembree voting no. 

13. Mr. Stone moved, seconded by Mr. Grant, for the board to approve the
      personnel updates as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

14. Mr. stone moved, seconded by Mr. Day, to convene to executive session
      at 8:55 pm with Texas Government Codes 551.071 and 551.072 the Texas 
     Open Meetings Act, for the following purposes.
a)    Private consultation with the college’s attorney about pending or
contemplated litigation, and/or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code.

b)    Real estate discussion.

      Motion carried unanimously.

15. Mr. Grant moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, for the board to return from
      executive session at 9:40 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 
16. No action was taken during executive session.

17. Dr. Risinger moved, seconded by Mr. Stone, to adjourn the meeting at 
      9:42 pm. Motion carried unanimously.

____________________________        ___________________
Submitted By Jerry King, President        Date

____________________________        ___________________
Approved Board Chair                Date

____________________________        ___________________
Approved Board Secretary                Date

Posted Date:
9/19/2022 12:56:45 PM