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Analysis of art elements and principles as applied to various forms of visual expression; study of historical examples of architecture, painting, sculpture, and minor arts directed toward an intelligent appreciation of masterpieces.

Survey of painting, sculpture, architecture and the minor arts from pre-historical times to the 20th century. Research problems and extensive viewing of slides provide additional enrichment. One or both classes may be taken in any order.

Emphasis upon two-dimensional design; includes the fundamentals of line, color, form, texture, shape, space, and arrangement.

This course is an introduction to the creative media with emphasis on art projects appropriate to the elementary curriculum. Enhancing artistic awareness and sensitivity through the creative and imaginative use of art materials and tools is the focus of the course. Students will also be exposed to art history and culture through the exploration of a variety of art works with an emphasis on aesthetic judgment and growth. 

Courses investigating a variety of media, techniques, and subjects, including still life, landscape, and architectural subjects, and exploring perceptual and descriptive possibilities with consideration of drawing as a developmental process as well as an end in itself. The courses are designed for art majors as well as for the student who wishes to increase his powers of observation and drawing skills for personal enjoyment. Attention will be given to the study of anatomy as it relates to artistic expression.

An exploration of the potentials of painting media with emphasis on color and composition. Expression is unrestricted as well as subject matter. The courses are designed for art majors as well as for the student who wishes to learn or improve painting techniques. emphasis will also be placed on individual expression in the interpretation of still life, landscaping and figure subjects.

A studio course in ceramic sculpture techniques, including clay types and usage, and exploration of natural finishes of the clay. Relief sculpture and fundamentals of forming the human head will be introduced. Stacking and firing procedures will be taught. Finishes and color application will be explored in greater depth.

An introduction to ceramic process, including basic materials and techniques. Hand-building is emphasized with an introduction to the use of the potter’s wheel. Glazing and other surface treatments and stacking and firing of the kiln will be taught. These courses Cover special problems in forming methods in greater depth. Individual student projects and styles will be encouraged and emphasized. An individualized course for the art major or hobbyist.